Chapter 1

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Sitting outside in the middle of the night listening to the croaking of frogs and cricket thinking about all the things happening in my life as I try to visualise my future as my parents fight about me.

My parents were fighting because I wasn't married at a tender age of 28 and my mother as a person who values what the society thinks was fighting with my father about how bad it was for a girl my age to be not married and how bad it looks for my family especially because one of my younger sister was already married and she is four years younger than me.

"David what do you think people are saying about Emily she is 24 and unmarried the only thing she cares about is that stupid job of hers" shouted my mother to my father who was drinking his coffee and listening to my mother's shouts.

"Is that the only thing you care about Sofia ? Have you ever asked your daughter what she wanted and how she feels instead of caring about what the society says ?. My father asked in a calm voice looking at my mother for an answer.

I didn't like to see my parents fight over me and it wasn't that I didn't want to get married it's just that I've been burnt before. Fool me once shame on you but fool me twice shame on me. My parents know that love has hurt me once before but my mother thinks that I've healed enough in the last two years.

"Ohh come on David you know I care about  Emily but its been two year since the Paul incident" I sucked in a breath of air as my mother said my ex fiance's name and I could feel goosebumps on my body and not the good kind even. Paul had really done a number on me and everytime I heard his name I felt a piece of my soul live me.

"Don't take that boy's name in my house after everything his done to my daughter" my father said angrily. My father rarely ever gets angry but once you do something to hurt his loved ones than you will see the worst side of him.

"But David all I'm saying is that Emily has had more than enough time to heal  already and Samantha is already married, people are saying that there is something wrong with my elder daughter and I can't have that" she said as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at my father.

"Sofia people will always talk and you can't shut them up all the time, you have to live everything in god's hand" my father said.

I stood up from the steps I was sitting on and moved inside towards my room. After Paul broke my hurt I decided to move back to my parents house to try and regroup, so that I can focus more on myself and my job.  I work as a pre-school teacher as I love children alot.

"I'm going to my room to sleep now goodnight mother and father" I said as I moved towards my room, when I got into my room I moved towards my bathroom to do my nightly routine before going to bed.

I started to choose my outfit for tomorrow as it is a school night tomorrow and I had to go to work, after choosing my outfit I couldn't stop thinking about my parents words. I mean I get where my mother is coming from but she doesn't know the whole story about me and Paul about how much hurt he has caused me I was so deep in my thoughts that I almost missed my phone ringing.

"Sammy" I said picking up my sister's call. My sister got married about a year ago and had to move in with her husband. My brother-in-law. Seth was a business man and my sister loved being a housewife, she never liked to work ever since she was a little girl so I wasn't surprised when she said that she would be a housewife.

"Milly mom just called me to tell me to tell you that you need to think about moving on now" she called me with the nickname she used to call me as kids.

"Urgh Sammy you know that it's not that I don't want to move on it's just that I'm scared" I said in a low voice thinking about my past again.

"Not everyone is like Paul, Milly look at Seth for an example his a good guy and if you could give love another chance I'm sure you would find a nice guy who could love you right" she also said in a low voice.

"Mmh" that was all I said to show her that I was listening to what she was saying.

"Just don't rush yourself okay" she said again as advice.

"Okay goodnight Sammy" I said. "Goodnight Milly don't be to hard on yourself, take it day by day" she said.

After talking to my sister I decided to sleep as I had a long day tomorrow with 5 year olds. Before falling asleep I thought about how right Sammy was that I should take it day by day.

Author's Notes

This is my first story ever and english is not my first language so please correct any errors you may find also please remember to vote. Hope you enjoy the story

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