Chapter 14

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The elevator is shrouded in silence as it descends down to the depths of the training centre - only the occasional wisp of the early spring breeze flickering against the glass could be heard. Haymitch, with his dark scraggy hair covering over his probably sullen face, stands between me and Nathan, our bodies both reeking of anticipation ; as the elevator quickly descends deeper and deeper, my chest gets tighter and tighter.

Will he even recognise me with this horrendous bruise on my face ? Of course he would, it's Lake we're talking about here. 

My hands are balled up in tight fists by my sides, every few seconds I transfer my weight on either foot causing them to ache - in an effort to keep me from having a total panic attack. Suddenly a ding surfaces in the elevator, which signals that we have arrived to the training centre, the unexpected noise unfortunately drags me out of the drug-like trance I was momentarily in ; I groan as the reflective doors miraculously swipe open to reveal the spacious gymnasium. My curious gaze wanders around the enclosed space in awe yet also terror - fear slowly wraps around my body like a snake does to its prey as I take in the large group of kids huddled in the middle. The group varies within the ages of 16-18, immediately the huddle turn towards us, they're penetrating, bloodthirsty eyes fall on me and Nathan as if they're the predators and we're the helpless prey they're trying to hunt. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Glad for you to finally join us, District 12" the now snickering group of kids quickly disperses to let through a bulky stout woman, who was probably the head trainer ; her ginger hair was neatly slicked back into a high pony tail, her arms and legs were extremely defined with muscles and her glare was demeaning. The woman's voice, laced with anger as well as sarcasm, still echoes off the walls as she impatiently waits for me and my partner ; swiftly Haymitch grabs us by our forearms and indiscreetly whispers into our ears  "Remember what I told you". I gingerly rub my sore arm when he lets us go but just as I walk out, Haymitch grabs me again "I'm sorry for yesterday just try your best okay ?" he gruffly mouths obviously infuriated that in this situation he's the one in the wrong, "You really want me to sing ?" I mouth back, his head dips down slightly - just enough to show an answer without being too obvious. I swallow, my face determined "Then get me a guitar for the individual training session and interview night" - Haymitch's tight lips form a small smile and he gives me another nod of approval as he lets go. I quickly jog over to the group, my eyes directed to the floor ; "It would be greatly appreciated if District 12 was on time from now on" the trainer sternly calls out to Haymitch as the elevator's doors shut, "Keep you're head on sweetheart, it was only one time" Haymitch replies with a snarky smile and a careless wave of his hand, I let out a snort picturing how many swear words my mentor will be cursing when those doors finally close.

The kids are still laughing at the expense of district 12, still the laughing stock of the Capitol, when the trainer finally claps her hands, bringing us back to attention, "Welcome Tributes to the training centre, my name is Thalia and I will be you're head trainer for this years Quarter Quell". Thalia begins to pace back and forth, looking at all of us dead straight in the eyes "You will all spend exactly 3 days here before you're individual training sessions and interviews take place ; so I recommend you use you're time wisely while training". Throughout her introduction, she gestures to the different stations available to us and finishes with saying "It takes only a stupid thing like dehydration or hypothermia to kill a tribute in the Games, especially a Quarter Quell, so I advise for everyone to be smart as well as stealthy" with a sound of a gong, Thalia announces "Let training commence" and the group slowly disperses.

I stay around though, my eyes desperately searching for Lake, much to my dismay I don't spot him or even find anyone similar to his appearance - Nathan puts a reassuring hand on my slumped shoulder "He's probably with the Careers Lilly, he's district 4 remember". I sigh accepting the clear and blatant truth, when I turn around to move to the first station he miraculously appears 3 metres away from me ; Lake cluelessly looks around through the different teenagers observing their appearances carefully, his face in a focussed manner. His emerald eyes appear to be sore with a redness about them and his cheeks are swollen - crying ? ; he's looking for someone, me ?

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