Chapter 13

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Eventually, I drag my aching limbs away from the scrunched up covers of my bed and soon discover a training outfit hanging on the front of the wardrobe ; a dark blue nylon tank top, that prominently had the shimmering golden seal of the Captiol on the back along with a pair of wide-legged burgundy cargos with "12" finely stitched on the thigh. Slumped at the bottom was a pair of leather strapped boots and linen socks ; as I slipped the outfit on, I pondered the fact how they even managed to get this into my room without waking me up or even making the slightest of creeks ?

Even though, my Aunt, Grandmother and Mother all had the ability to easily braid hair ; the skill seemingly skipped a generation leaving me useless to the topic - feeling already aggravated with my much  "joyful" start to the morning, I just thread my nail-bitten fingers through my golden locks in hope they might untangle the frizzly nots and clumps, which comes with thrashing about in bed when experiencing my unwelcome yet daily nightmares. When I'm finished, I just tuck the slightly crimped strands behind my ears and thankfully call it a days work ; however I know my laziness will come back to bite my ass when I'm in the training centre below with sweat unhealthily pooling from my body like salty raindrops from the sky.

After the arduous job of pulling my boots on was completed, I make my way over to the bathroom to view my reflection in the flawless mirror - as expected, dark shadows underline my eyes but a scowl elicits from my expressionless face when I see the painful, once extremely swollen bruise has transformed into a black, purplish blob, which had to be covering half of my face. Great. Though his careful, gentle touch still lingers on my skin from last night, like a scar you cannot remove ; but this scar doesn't diminish your beauty, it only exceeds it because the person who did it was only being the loving, generous and caring person they are. My heart flutters as if a thousand butterflies were trapped inside my chest, when Coryo enters my train of thought. His glowing eyes under the moonlight,  those silky light blonde locks, handsome features and dashing smile ; i feel like a schoolgirl gushing over her crush with my blushing cheeks and small grin. But all of those memories are destroyed when the nightmare comes to plague my thoughts - it's been tugging at the back of my brain how similar looking Coyro and the insane man was but then again dreams are random, especially nightmares. And yet it still bothers me.

Suddenly, once again the knocks come crashing against my door, which is torture against my now ringing ears. Immediately I dash over and hastily manoeuvre the handle to open it - "I'm done, I'm done, I'm done" I breathlessly race out of my mouth before Effie can scream at me for taking too long. But she just elegantly stands there in the hallway, her slight wrinkles from her ageing skin visible, that are covered in heaps of cakey make up, when she smiles in utter delight "Oh Lilly, fabulous you're dressed, breakfast is just on the table" I forcefully slam my door shut behind me and just walk down the hallway not waiting for my escort, nonetheless Effie's heels annoyingly click behind me as I lumber through the apartment and into the dining room. Awaiting me at the table is Haymitch and Nathan - my back tenses but I fight back the anger that is threatening to ensnare me in its flames.

They both look up as I take a seat next to Nathan but Haymitch instantly retracts his seam eyes back down to his coffee, which was probably spiked with liquor. I give Nathan a simple smile as the avox, who's dressed in a black and blood red uniform, places a clean plate and utensils in front of me - when they finish I turn to them and nod my head in a silent thanks. The atmosphere at the dining table is so awkward, you could physically cut it with a knife ; I just watch Nathan for a minute or so, he's wearing the same outfit as me but instead of a tank top it's a slim fitted t-shirt - my eyes wander down to his arms and I mentally take note of his muscular biceps ; strong enough to empower anyone in a fight within the games. All of sudden, Nathan's gaze wanders over to mine and catches me studying his arms - we hold each other's gaze for a moment, when the memories from last night come tumbling back. Him walking in on me with just a towel on ; him trying to go after me when I erupted at dinner ; his nickname for me "songbird". What have gotten myself into ?

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