❥ savior ~ m.s ❥

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~Warnings~Cursing, car accident, blood, graphic

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Cursing, car accident, blood, graphic

If any of the warnings trigger you, please skip the chapter

Word Count: 3,546

"Drive safe, Y/N." My roommate/best friend, Riley, says.
"Always." I respond, leaving my apartment.
I get into my car, leave my complex, get onto the highway to head to my first errand.

Looking in my blind spot, I check to see I'm clear to change lanes. I am, so I change lanes but a truck rams into the back of my car. My steering wheel turns left and I drive off the highway into a ditch.
My head hits the wheel and everything goes dark.

"Are you okay?" I hear someone ask.
I open my eyes slightly to see two brunette boys, who look incredibly similar, at my car door.
"Depends. Are there actually 2 of you?" I ask.
He nods.
"Then I think I'm fine." I sit up slightly and try to move. My foot is jammed and my body aches and screams in pain.
"Scratch that. I think I'm stuck." I say, panicking slightly.
"Can you unlock the door?" One of the guys asks.
I unlock my door and he opens it.
"Looks like your foot is stuck and you are jammed in here pretty tight." He whispers.
My breathing becomes short and I feel my heart start to race.
"It's okay, we can get you out." He says softly.
I look up at him and he smiles reassuringly.
One of the boys wraps his arms under my arms while the other works to get my foot out.
"Ow." I gasp.
The boy stops and looks at me.
"Do you have a crowbar or something I can leverage to get the dash off of you?" He asks.
I nod, "In the back."
Th other boy steps back slightly, his arms going to his sides.
I unlock my hatchback and he pulls my crowbar out and comes back.
"Matt, this is going to hurt her so you need to hold her hand." One of the boys says.
Matt looks down at me and holds his hand out.
I grab it while the other boy leverages my foot.
"Fucking Christ!" I yelp.
Matt comes closer and I lean my head on him.
"Almost got it, one more time."
He sticks the crowbar between my foot and the dash and pushes the dash again.
My hand tightens and Matt wraps his arm around me and rubs my back softly.
My foot is finally set free and I look down to see a bone sticking out.
"Fuck." I whimper.
I look away, tears welling in my eyes.
Matt and the other boy help me out of my car.
I hop while they help me up the ditch to the shoulder of the road.
They set me down in front of their car.
"Does anything else hurt?" Matt asks.
"Everything." I sigh.
He sits down next to me and I set my head on his shoulder.
I look back down at my ankle and my stomach does a summersault.
I'm gonna be sick.
I put my hand over my mouth and carefully crawl to the side of the road and puke. Matt comes up behind me and holds my hair back.
Groaning, I wipe my mouth and lay on my back.
"Are you okay?" Matt asks, sitting next to me.
"No, but that helped. I can't believe the bone is sticking out." I sigh.
He takes off his hoodie and looks at me.
"We should wrap it." He says.
"Shit, I wish you were wrong." I groan.
"Chris, can you wrap her ankle with this?" Matt says, looking to the other boy.
Chris comes over and grabs Matt's hoodie.
"Are you sure I can use your hoodie? I have jackets in my car." I whisper.
"Don't worry about it." He smiles.
I turn on my side and Chris kneels down.
"Are you ready?" He asks.
I shake my head but Matt scoots closer to me and grabs my hand.
Chris looks to Matt and Matt nods softly,
He lifts my foot and puts the hoodie under my foot.
"OW!" I yell, tears forming.
Matt holds my hand tighter and rubs my back.
Chris pulls the sleeves around and carefully ties them around my ankle.
"Holy fuck!" I shriek, my grip on Matt's hand tightening.
He doesn't tie it too tight but ties it enough to stop the bleeding.
"All done." Chris says.
I sigh and flip back on my back.
"Are you okay?" I ask Matt.
"Oh, yeah I'm okay." He smiles.
I look up at the sky.
"Thank you, both." I say, softly.
I look up at Chris then at Matt and they smile.
Chris pulls out his phone and calls someone while Matt is comforting me.
My eyes close and when I open them I see a paramedic, police car and a fire truck.
Matt gets up and leans down to help me up.
"Thank you." I whisper.
I hobble over to the ambulance with Matt's help and he sets me down on the edge of the bumper.
I look up to finally see that my blood is covering is shirt.
His hair is parted in the middle and he has a chain hanging from his neck with a horse charm.
Chris has brown hair as well with no part and he's also wearing a chain, but the difference is Matt has an arm full of tattoos and he doesn't.
The paramedic helps me into the ambulance and they drive off to the hospital.

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