3: Little Twins Time

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Summary: You find yourself infornt of the desert house you knew from former stories.
There are two young twins outside in peace, until they notice you.

Warning: Mild Angst



You yelled out as your body became as light as a feather, causing you to crash through the air before gravity hit and made you land on all fours again.

The impact hurt massively, shooting pain through all your joints, knees, and elbows, sadly taking most of the burning injuries.

Hissing to comprehend the fall better, it took you a minute to sit up and take in your surroundings properly.

Not sure what to think, or if you should think at all, questions started to cloud your mind to prevent it from falling apart.
Not only did your body hurt now, your eyes stung with the bright light of the sun that's elegantly shining above your head, giving the desert you're in a new warm color.

The feeling of sand underneath your hands frightened you, quickly pulling them up to make sure nothing can make the scraped skin hurt any further.
You wrinkled your nose as sand entered your shoes, as if everything's not uncomfortable enough already.

"Where even am I.."

You asked the empty desert. Far from reality would've been your guess.

However, the pain in your body proved otherwise.
This couldn't be a dream.
Maybe you passed out after hurting yourself?

But even if so, you barely remembered what you did before landing here. Mumbling under your breath, you pulled out a handkerchief to dry the blood that's running down your legs, making them itchy as a result.

After you're more or less satisfied with your work, you finally stood up to take a look around.

There's a wall made out of dark, old wood in front of you.
A roof that, at some parts, seemed to fall apart already.

Not sure what it meant, nor how you ended up there, you began to follow the wall until reaching the corner of it. Maybe you're dreaming after all?

The wall's pretty cold in contrast to the strong sunlight coming down onto earth.

"Mom said that I'm a devil... Am I really a devil?"

The voice of a little child caused you to freeze.

The words of the young boy's torn, as if he either cried for a very long time or held in screams for too long. You wanted to see who it belonged to, wondering how a child could end up in a place like this, far from any city or civilization as a whole.

But fear kept you in place.
Instead you tried to process what's happening.

"What? No! Don't believe what Mom says! You're kind and tender, not a devil."

Another boy spoke to the weaker voice. His a bit more confident.

Although it's holding a lot of pressure, the way he almost stumbled over his sentence left no other assumption than him running out of time.

They sounded so similar, and above all, way too familiar.

"But she says I make her tired and that it's my fault she locks me up. If we leave together, I just do the same to you. I'll be nothing but a burden."

"Whaat?! Don't say that. You're the reason I can do good things, otherwise I would only cause trouble! I'm so tired of being the bad boy."

"You're not bad...?! You're the nicest person I know."

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