2: Doing what's best for you

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Summary: After you both left Mint Eye, there's something off about Saeran.
He's distant and as you ask what the reason is, he tells you he can't return your feelings any longer.

Warning: Angst, Rejection, Unrequited Love (not really), AE Spoliers


The air of the night's fresh, much clearer than Mint Eye's had ever been. And to your luck, Saeran realized it as well.

He's able to breathe now, keeping his head up without anyone paining him by using words and making him a victim again.
He's none of it now, the man with bleached hair's now nothing other than his own master.

It's such a relief to you that tears followed as you watched him doing what he desired. The confidence he managed to gain from just a week's impressive; how much he developed even though he still gets suppressed by Rika's orders.

From Ray, a sunshine of man with a golden heart and painful tears as he's internally struggling, over to the mean Saeran who hid his despair behind a mask made out of anger which hurt himself more than anyone, to the Saeran with the white shirt and bright eyes as he's trusting, understanding and a competent person who acknowledges his own talent.

So many facades to the man you loved with all your heart and you adored every single one.
All in their own ways and for different reasons.

It's no use denying how much you loved this incredible warrior, someone with a brilliant brain and beautiful heart; there's no person out there that could ever be like him.
He's unique in such an amazing way, it's hard to describe it with words.

You let the wind stroke through your hair while staring out of the window of the wooden house you both reached after running for a long time.
It's all quiet around you, dark as well since only the moonlight offered to take some of the dark away.

Saeran's out at the moment; he asked for a walk by himself, of course, you let him have it.

This superhuman of a man deserved the world; who are you to take it away from him? But even if it's all better now, after escaping the little hell that raised him to become a hacker, something's off in his behavior.

Normally, you wouldn't have the chance to notice since his facades switched quicker than you could process, but there's a particular feeling that's never been there before: distance.

Saeran didn't seem as close anymore, which's concerning because all of his other egos, no matter what kind, always kept being close to you.
But now there's a difference inside his words, something far away, too far for you to reach.

His touch's soft; however, it's barely there and made you question if he even wanted to touch you anymore.

The look in his eyes though.
It's what scared you the most about this distance. The glowing mint inside lost on shimmer whenever you made eye contact; that never happened before, no matter how much he cursed or cried to you.

You knew there's no way to find out until you talk to him about it; it's just easier said than done.

You didn't want to push Saeran, especially now when he's free for the first time in his life. The last thing you desired was to make him uncomfortable.

Mystic Messenger: Saeran Collection Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant