Chapter 7 Part 13 Lily of The Valley Part 1

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Ashley POV:

A light wind blew, juggling different types of flower peddles in the air. It was the flower festival in South Korea and one of the main events we signed up for on this vacation.

The smell of fresh flowers enticed me as I followed the path down like a honey bee. I heard the sound of water jumping downhill and over everything that stood in its path—flowers of every color spread throughout the path like a rainbow after heavy rain.

My senses indulged in the serenity of the place. I heard my name being called repeatedly.

''Just great, first I must go down a valley alone and now I am hearing things,'' I murmured silently.

There came that voice again as I made my way down to the riverbed and searched the area.

''I thought this was supposed to be one grand adventure of South Korea, not this horror scene, and now I must do exactly what I'm not supposed to do. Like yell out, anybody there,'' I sighed.

A girl emerged from the water in front of me, wearing a swimsuit and striking a fashion model-like pose.

I screamed so loud because of having read too many books about murder and how it happens. I was not about to drown on my mission.

''Ashley, you finally made it!'' Nari said.

''Oh my word, Nari, you almost gave me a heart attack. What are you doing here?'' I asked.

''Taking a swim in these amazing waters. Join me, please,'' she said.

It being one of my favorite things to do next to eating I could not deny this opportune moment.

''Of course I will join you,'' I replied.

I could not resist it and jumped into the fresh waters that rejuvenated my skin instantly and my hair that had been in a desert state these last couple of days. You could see right to the bottom of the river. She took my hand and dived to the bottom to see the fauna and flora.

We continued to swim downstream while going up for air as we went along through a maze of flowers. Frogs and golden fish passed me by. Nari signaled for me to go up.

''We have arrived,'' she said while gasping for breath.

My eyes met with a waterfall of untouched nature surrounded by bird life. Their voices echoing through the trees like a choir rehearsing a chorus and the water hitting the rocks beneath like a base guitar.

Heaven had some competition down here in this valley.

''Nari, you are the best Uber driver ever. I will highly recommend you and give you five stars, but what are we doing here exactly?'' I asked while laughing.

"We are going to the poetry world. I am a transporter of souls,'' she responded.

We sat by the riverbank like monks on an expedition.

''Close your eyes and listen to the waterfall draw you in. Listen to the rocks beneath clashing with the water. Become the water and jump into the arms of the rocks without hesitation. Bit by bit, shatter the rock, making way to a new path,'' she exclaimed.

We travelled through the waterfall, and a new world opened up before us that had not been on the destinations to see websites we googled.

''Tell me what you see,'' she said.

''The sky is pitch black and the fields are dark brown. A sign of no water in this place that stretches for miles. There is nothing here,'' I said.

''Do you not see the birds and the bees? Do you not see the clouds so white? The flowers dancing to the tune of the wind. Do you not smell the ripe mango trees beckoning you closer for a taste of nectar?'' she asked.

I gathered myself and looked over the horizon again, but there was nothing she described in my peripheral view until she held my hand and the words came to life just as she had described it in that order.

''How did you do that? I can't believe my eyes. Are you like a witch or something?'' I asked.

''Since you are a friend of the artifact holder, you need to be taught in the way of defending yourself because Seulgi will always be under attack and they will target those closest to her first,'' she explained.

The news had taken the fun out of my day but replaced it with the determination to continue practicing. Although we are from New York, there was a hint of ignorance in this foreign place.

''What kind of danger are we in?'' I asked.

''The type of danger where I had to wait a bit at the airport because people were following you guys and I had to take back roads to the hotel. That is why it took so long from the airport,'' she said.

The answer alienated me from any further questioning and received an award for her silence. A medallion shaped like a flower.

''Use this and let the poems come from your heart,'' she exclaimed

The holiday had taken a new form of adventure. Poet or die.

 ''Roses are red

   but I am colorblind.

   Music is good

   but I yin yang my life.

   Table for two

   but I read when I eat.''

''Very good Ashley. Now use that same energy,'' she said.

''The ocean in the sky on a bright sunny day. 

  Made the birds go about their way. 

  Although the bees have to protect the honey, they made time to smell the flowers on this       bright  sunny day.

  The mango trees call on the hungry. 

  To each their own, satisfied with this journey. 

  To the valley my name is Ashley. 

  With my pitch-black hair, I tango in the night sky.

  My life is a river. It flows through many lives and whoever thirsts may drink,'' I recited.

While I spoke, slowly and meticulously, it all started to take form. The darkness turned to light and the flowers and bees all formed.

I tried to keep the tears from leaving my hazelnut eyes, but the gravity of the earth had focused particularly on the tears in my eyes at that moment.

The soil beneath my feet yearned to be stained by my tears like the desert that never received any rain.

In the maze of life, this moment had caught up with my heart, sending it into a disarray of emotions. The only thing real was the water that escaped from my eyes. An illusion this powerful would come in handy.

I was never an emotional person because it never got me anywhere, but today my emotions brought my words to life.

"Amazing! You brought this place to life with your own words. A bit loud and emotional at the end, but you did it," she said.

The place turned back to darkness as soon as we left.

We returned through the waterfall to find the same darkness, but this one had a full moon in the sky and stars as I had never seen them before, so up close. New York did not have this view at all. I do not even think I ever looked up to the sky there.

''Let us camp here for the night under the stars and I will tell you some great campfire stories. I will try to make an actual fire,'' she chuckled.

''You want us to sleep right here? Did you see the hotel where you picked me up from? I am starving after all that training,'' I asked.

''Just trust me.''

 ''Sun by day, moon by night.

   Love so right, hate to fight.

   My words seek peace,

   but my actions work like a chess piece.

   A place to lay, full of warmth and light. 

   I am the flower that blooms in the valley,'' Nari recited.

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