𝟢𝟦. 𝘋𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘗𝘚𝘊

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"Hey, I was called down?"

"Roman Solace?"

He nodded.

"Right over there." The attendance lady gestured to a set of doors. He thanked her and dipped away, still unclear on what he was doing in the office in the first place. As far as he knew, he hadn't caused any trouble. Could it be one of his handlers? Likely not. They had their plates full dealing with other kids at the VRP. Now that Roman was with a hero school with pros to look after him and keep him in check, he wasn't as high of a priority anymore.

He pushed open the doors.

"Hey there, baby bird." Hawks was standing there, grinning as he held up a bag of McDonald's. "Miss me?"

"Pancakes and fries?" Roman asked.

"Wow, that's all I get?"

"You know I'm joking," Roman said in a huff, stepping forward and pulling the shorter man into a hug.

"You better be." Hawks' wings wrapped around him, a gesture that had been common between the two for years. He patted Roman on the shoulder and stepped back. "Sorry it took me so long to come around, I was busy."

"No, it's fine." Roman said with a shake of his head. "I get it. You're literally the number three hero."

"That's no excuse not to visit my favorite kid ever," Hawks said firmly, handing Roman the bag of McDonald's. "Now take the food and let's get out of here."

Roman grabbed the bag, and Hawks was already halfway out the door before he could get a proper word in. "Wait, I like, just ate lunch."

"Eat it anyway!" Hawks' voice took on a playful tone. "You could use some more meat on your bones."

Roman sighed and followed close behind him.

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ 🕊 ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

"You're sure you want to walk around in public with your rabid fans around?" Roman asked, eating a few fries as he walked. "Actually, hold on, is it even allowed for me to just walk around like this?"

"It is with my supervision," said Hawks, ignoring Roman's concern about his fans. "And don't worry. I already ran it by the Commission, they're fine with me taking you on a little outing."

"Fun." Roman was still eating as the two of them walked, trying to ignore the civilian eyes that followed the two everywhere they went. It wasn't made any better by the fact that Roman was still in uniform. It probably looked like he was cutting class.

Roman wished they were flying instead of walking. Sort of. He hadn't exactly flown long distances in open air, just large gyms in VRP or HPSC facilities. He wasn't even sure if he was confident enough in his abilities yet. He probably should've been after all of that flight endurance training.

"Liven up, kiddo!" Hawks shot him a grin, stepping in front of him and walking backwards so he could make eye contact with him.

"Where are we going?" Roman tilted his head. "I don't know how I'm supposed to eat the pancakes walking."

"Someone's never taken a recreational walk before. Meh, we'll find somewhere when we find somewhere." Hawks shrugged.

Roman sighed. "They're getting cold. And your fans are watching us. I hate being perceived."

"You're gonna have to get over that when you debut, buddy. Now gimme a fry." Hawks stuck his hand out expectantly.

Roman handed over a few fries. "Or I could go underground?"

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