𝟢𝟥. 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥'𝘷𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘐𝘯 𝘉𝘦𝘥. 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺.

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Five books and a binder seemed a bit excessive to Roman, but then again, he'd never really had a proper experience in school, had he? He was beginning to lament taking the previous day for granted, recalling how he'd thought they were supposed to have a day to settle in before they got into the real stuff. Turns out, yesterday was that day. Or he assumed so, based on the fact that he was lugging around these heavy textbooks for each of his classes, along with his bag and binder.

On top of that, he was running late, and functioning on barely an hour of sleep. That marked three nights in a row plagued by nightmares. Roman had no idea how he was even still standing at this point. He was nearly asleep, fighting to keep his eyes open, wings drooping. He forced himself to keep moving anyway, knowing that he might incur Eraserhead's wrath should he turn up even three seconds after the bell. He always had been a man for punctuality. Except when it came to himself. Eraserhead would always show up however late he pleased.

That's when it happened. Roman ran head-first into a third year that was walking with a friend  and dropped his books and papers everywhere. It took him a second to process what'd just happened, but immediately he was on his knees gathering up his things and rattling off apologies. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Really, um—"

"Hey, hey, it's okay, buddy." The third year chuckled and crouched down to help him pick up all of his scattered school supplies while his friend stood back and picked up a few papers that'd gone especially far. "Are you okay?"

"I— Um—" Roman's heart skipped a beat when he looked up at the boy he'd bumped into, feeling his face heat up with embarrassment as he forced himself to answer, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I'm really sorry for bumping into you! I'm— Uh— I'm running low on sleep and I was in a hurry, oh God, I hope you're not late because of me..."

"Don't worry about it, dude! Happens to the best of us. I'm running a little early anyways, I don't mind." The third year offered a friendly smile. He was blond and had weird eyes, if Roman was being honest, and was rather muscular from what he could tell. He was also... extremely kind. And it was the sort of kindness that Roman simply couldn't wrap his head around. He was used to being shoved around by other HPSC or VRP kids for bumping into them, and he would expect it even more here, where everyone knew that he was from the VRP.

"I'm really sorry." Roman couldn't stop himself from apologizing again. There was something about this boy that made him anxious, or at least, more anxious than he often already was.

"You're a first year, right?" he asked, looking at the stripes on Roman's uniform that indicated his year. "Hero course?"

Roman nodded, standing up after gathering all of his things that the two others present hadn't. "Yeah."

"Best of luck, man! I remember my first year." The boy chuckled as he stood up and handed Roman's books to him. "Why were you in such a hurry in the first place?"

"Um... My homeroom teacher is Eraserhead— Ah, Mr. Aizawa," Roman said.

The third year winced as his friend came up to give Roman the rest of his scattered papers. "Oof. Yeah, you should definitely get to class then."

"Of course. Um. Thank you."

"Make sure you get more sleep!" his friend, a pretty blue-haired girl, said with a smile. "Trust me, having no stamina suuucks!"

"I... I'll take that into consideration. Thank you." And as soon as the words left his mouth, the two were off.

As they made their way down the hallway, Roman could hear the blue-haired girl say, "He's just like a mini Amajiki! It's so cute!" followed by the boy replying, "I know, right? It's adorable."

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