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Roman tapped his fingers on the table repetitively, keeping himself occupied as he waited. He was let into the room half an hour ago, spent the first twenty minutes picking at his skin, the next five plucking out dead feathers on his wings, and for the past five he'd been fidgeting with anything he could get his hands on, which by all means wasn't a lot.

He was almost surprised his handlers left him in here unsupervised, but then again the room was near completely unfurnished besides the table, his chair, and the chair across from him. That and they likely had much better things to do. The hum of the white lights above him was irritating, to say the least. The door clicked open, and Roman looked back.

"Hey there, kid. I know this is an inconvenience, but you know how it is. One last interview and evaluation before you go." Detective Tsukauchi laughed sheepishly, making his way over to the table and sitting down across from the boy.

"No, I get it. You don't have to worry," Roman said, sitting up in his chair with his arms at his side.

"Great! There aren't many questions to ask. Like I said, it's pretty much just an exit interview. Well, for now," Tsukauchi said. "So, how are you feeling, Solace?"

"Pretty good. I mean, I don't have any complaints," Roman responded plainly. "And I told you, just call me Roman."

"Sorry." The detective smiled. "Now for the hard questions. First off, any thoughts of hurting yourself or others in the past month?"

"Ah, myself, yes. Others... not outside of sparring, if that makes sense," Roman replied.

"That's to be expected. I'll talk to your psychiatrist about maybe upping the dosage of your medication. With you I think stopping all of those negative thoughts is out of the question, but we'd much rather have you live a happy life with as few as possible." Tsukauchi nodded. "How's your sleep been?"

"Alright." Roman shifted in his seat. His answer would register as true through the detective's quirk, but he had a feeling their definitions of alright were very different. "The nightmares are less frequent than they used to be, maybe two, three, or four times a week, but they keep me up for longer and they're a lot more detailed."

"Mh." Tsukauchi let out a noise of recognition followed by a solemn sigh. "I'm sorry to hear that, kid. And how about eating?"

"Fine, I think. They still have me on supplements, but I've been able to keep food down. Uh..." He paused like he had something more to say, but thought better of it. "Yeah, no, fine."

Tsukauchi scribbled something down. "Injuries in the past month?"

"Just a few scratches from training. Major injuries... I guess you could count last week? Magnets accidentally severed my radial artery when we were sparring, but Fukuya was on-site, so I had that healed quickly," Roman said. "I should be fine with minimal scarring."

Detective Tsukauchi nearly choked. He had to clear his throat before he could speak again. "Wow, you kids really take this seriously, huh?"

"I mean, yeah, we're supposed to. You shouldn't hold back in a fight with a villain—well, you should to an extent—but you should take it seriously, so we all—" He cut himself off. "Sorry. Continue."

"You're fine, Roman," Tsukauchi assured him. "Any episodes over the past month? Better put, breakdowns, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, et cetera?"

"Only two, but I didn't try to hurt myself or anything. I think I've gotten a lot better with that since Fujiwara left," Roman said.

"I can't apologize enough that we allowed that to happen." Tsukauchi's face twisted into a lamentful frown. "Trust that he was fully investigated and dealt with accordingly."

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