Donnie throws the orb and it traps the oozesquito and falls to the ground with a clunk. Donnie fist pumps in victory.

"Yes!" Donnie hissed.

Donnie runs over to the captured bug and picks up the trap. He holds it up.

"Ha-Ha!" Donnie exclaimed.

Behind Donnie, a security camera turns and watches. The oozesquito starts to violently struggle inside the trap and it breaks out of the trap but destroys it, causing Donnie dismay.

"Cowabunga!" Charmy yelled.

Donnie turns just in time to see Charmy leaping down on him. When Charmy lands on him, the button on Donnie's chest activates and a Turtle-sized trap activates, trapping the two in a similar sphere cage. The cage starts bouncing around the lobby until it crashes into Raph and Leo, trapping them too. The sphere slowly rolls to a stop, all of us squashed inside of it and covered in honey.

"Plan is really coming together, Shadow. No more honey next plan." Leo said.

"This is getting us nowhere! How are we going to trap these oozequitos," I exclaimed.

Stanley peeks out from his hiding spot and sighs in relief, glad that it's all over. As he dusts away, an oozesquito lands on his neck and bites him. The effects instantly take effect.

"Oh, that's odd." Stanley said, concerned.

"Oh no," Scourge said with fear.

Stanley starts to mutate. He grows horns, a bull's tail, and his feet turn into hooves. His uniform shreds under the strain as Stanley doubles in size. He is now a Bull mutant, Bullhop.

"Oh that's- AH!" Bullhop exclaimed.

Disoriented, Bullhop roars and rampages out of the hotel, destroying things along the way. The rest of us watch on, still stuck in the orb.

"Gah, no! Leo, If you'd just listen to me, we would've gotten the bugs and been hosing down Charmy right now." Shadow exclaimed.

"I did listen to you, Shadow, and that persnickety guy was ironically mutated into a clumsy bull." Leo said.

"Hey, how about we continue this classic Shadow-Lep argument outside the trap?" Tails asked.

Donnie enlarges the orb and sets them all free. We look around to see that the lobby is destroyed.

"Look at this mess. We gotta do the right thing, guys. And get out of here." Mikey said.

The elevator doors open and a purple-skinned middle-aged woman being carried by two bellhops exits the elevator.

"Uh oh." Sonic said.

"Ohmigosh, humans! Be cool." Mikey exclaimed.

A red carpet is rolled out for the lady. It rolls down the stairs, past us and to the building's entrance. The bellhops carry the lady down the steps and set her down before the turtles. She has a look around her lobby with amusement.

"Well, you turned my hotel into quite the fizzywinkle!" Big Mama exclaimed.

"You sure that was us? I tell you what, we totally human exterminators wave our usual fee and-" Raph said.

"Don't fret. My people will sort out this crackadoo." Big Mama said.

The lady claps her hand and identical looking human custodians appear all around us. One even slithers out of the vent.

"Well, since you have this under control, we'll be heading back to our human office, like humans do." Raph said, nervously.

Big Mama: "No need for film-flam. You're amongst your own kind."

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