The Gumbus

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A storm rumbles as Mikey is quaking in his pillow fort, watching something on Donnie's tablet.

"Ah!" Mikey panics.

The tablet gets thrown out of the fort as he buries himself in blankets to hide his face. Mikey whimpers. Outside the pillow fort we see some of us, including Leo and April standing next to the tablet.

"Uh, what'cha watching, Miguel?" Leo asked as he picks up the tablet.

"Ohmigosh, ohmigosh! I was just watching my favorite can-stacking channel," Mikey exclaimed.

"Can stacking," Charmy questioned.

"It's a THING. There's the one supermarket stock boy. He builds forts, towers, and national monuments!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Yeah, I see his channel has A like." Leo said, unimpressed.

"I would've liked it twice if I could. Anyway he's at the store after hours and... you gotta see it!" Mikey exclaimed.

He scrolls down and presses a video called The Gumbus. In the video, it shows a boy named Baxter. The stock boy turns the camera to an empty aisle. A can rolls out. There's a sound of metallic rattling which makes the stock boy yelp and breathe heavily. Something is lurking in the dark. Suddenly the stock boy is grabbed, causing him to scream. The video is distorted with static and for a second the viewer can see a spooky face before the video feed clears. The camera is now on the ground and the stock boy is crawling towards it, panting. A snarl is heard as the stock boy is pulled away into the dark.

"It's the Gumbus!" Baxter echoed.

The footage ends and the video finishes with the basic outro for Youtube content creators, with Baxter finger-gunning at the other content link and two buttons to 'Subscribe ' and 'Donate'

"Whoa! What's a Gumbus?" I asked.

"It's a ghost that haunts the Stock & Shop!" Mikey exclaimed as he hugged me for support.

"Oh, Pfft. There's gotta be a simple answer. Earthquakes, magnets, giant prankster mice. There's no such thing as ghosts." Scourge groaned.

Mikey: "What?! How can you say there's no such thing as ghosts when there's no such a thing as us? The Gumbus is real!" Mikey exclaimed as he let go of me.

"We know that ghosts aren't real because I made up a story about the deadly dancer and all of us think that it was real until Khan and Jewel came out from the shadows, just to join the mafia crew," Shadow said.

"I'm not surprised about that," Leo said.

"Only one way to settle this heated debate: we head up to the Stock & Shop and tamper with the mysterious forces of the underworld," April said with a spooky voice.

Mikey whimpers in fear as all of us look intrigued.

"Uh... I'm fine just getting the pants scared off of me in my pillow fort." Mikey whimpered as he tried to head back to his pillow fort.

"Oh no. April's right. We're gonna prove to you there's no such thing as a Gumbus." I said as I grabbed Mikey's wrist.

"Y/n, no, no! I don't wanna go! Please!" Mikey pleaded while being dragged away.

"Yea~ah! Ghost hunting!" April cheered.

At the Stock & Shop, we enter the building from the ceiling vent and fall. We land in a grocery aisle in a pile. A vacuum cleaner falls down and hits Leo in the head.

"OW! Mikey, why do you have that thing?" Leo asked.

"To suck up the ghost! It's lined with tin foil to keep him in." Mikey replied as he grabbed the vacuum.

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