Mrs. Cuddles

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"Congrats on the acting job, April. I'm so happy for you, I could punch a rainbow!" Raph said, feeling pumped.

"Yeah, you did great," I said.

"It's just a tiny basic cable show." April said.

"Not so tiny. It knocked 'Scorpion Treadmill' out of its time slot." Splinter grumbled.

"Say, how'd you like to sit in the front row, Raph?" Leo asked.

"Okay!" Raph replied, excitedly.

April giggles knowingly as Raph walks to the front. Leo looks conspiratorially at Mikey and Donnie as the show starts. The screen shows April dressed up in a white rabbit costume.

"Hi, kids! It's time for the 'Laughy Fun-Time Hour with Mrs Cuddles'!" April said on the screen.

The camera pulls back to reveal Mrs. Cuddles, a blue stuffed rabbit with a yellow bow and rainbow ears. Raph and I flinch and whimper.

"Let's be fwends forever~" Mrs. Cuddles said on the screen.

"What?" Raph and I whimpered.

The doll giggles with a wink causing Raph and I to shriek and dive behind Splinter's armchair.

"NO!! NOT MRS. CUDDLES!" Raph and I screamed.

Everyone but Raph, me, ninjas, and the mafias laugh.

"It's just as good as I thought it would be." Donnie chuckled.

"Hey, you guys know I can't watch this." Raph said, upset.

"Me neither," I said, upset.

"Is my acting that bad?" April teased.

"No no no no. It ain't you, April. It's- " Raph said, quickly.

"It's that Mrs. Cuddles rabbit puppet," I exclaimed.

"Let's be fwends forever!" Mrs. Cuddles said on the screen.

I shrieked while covering my head while Raph ran into the wall and fell over.

"Raph's fear-flops make me laugh every time. Oh, Red One." Splinter chuckled.

"What? You think Y/n and I are afraid of Mrs. Cuddles? I'm just upset about something else. Which I'll think about what that is later." Raph said, hesitantly.

"Be nice, guys. You know, I bet a sandwich would make you feel better, Raph." April said.

"Right.... I need to take care of my wife for now," Lloyd said while walking over to me.

Mrs. Cuddles appears on the screen again, giggling, and Raph runs to the kitchen with a yelp and I run to the other side of the lair.

"Hon, are you okay," Lloyd asked while I was hiding in the shadows.

"Is that creepy rabbit gone," I asked, shaking.

"Yes, Mrs. Cuddles is gone for now," Lloyd replied.

I slowly peeked out of the shadows and started making my way into Lloyd's arms.

"Sorry hon," I said.

"No, it's okay. I'm here with you. That's what matters," Lloyd said while rubbing my back.

"IT'S IN THE LAIR!" Raph shrieked from the kitchen.

"What is it," Kai yelled.

"MRS. CUDDLES," Raph shrieked.

I immediately screamed in Lloyd's embrace and Lloyd hugged me tight.

"Don't worry, uh... Mrs. Cuddles cannot get ya, I promise you," Lloyd said.

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