chapter fifteen

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Jasmine felt like she was the hot shit as she walked into 'Cosmetics By Thea' LA store

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Jasmine felt like she was the hot shit as she walked into 'Cosmetics By Thea' LA store. This same store is one of the Los Angeles locations for Shea's mother's beauty line. Jasmine had been texting Shea all morning, teasing her about her little secret. Jasmine was in a good mood as she approached the counter.

The sales associate looked up at her, confused. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah. Is Shea here? I heard she comes in sometimes." Jasmine crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against the counter.

The sales associate glanced around the store before shaking her head. "She's taking maternity leave -- she won't be in for a few more weeks."

Jasmine's smile faltered for a moment before she regained her composure. "Oh, well. I was just looking for her. Is she around?" She pulled out her phone, pretending to text Shea. "Maybe I have the wrong day." She tapped her foot impatiently.

Just then, Shea walks into the store, dressed in a catsuit, underneath is her postpartum bandages. Jasmine smirked, putting away her phone. "Well, well, well. Looks like I wasn't wrong after all."

Shea freezes for a moment, her eyes darting back and forth between Jasmine and the sales associate. "Jasmine?" she asks cautiously, making her way over to them. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you just had the baby. Congratulations." Jasmine's smile is faker than a three-dollar bill. "I was just telling the sales associate here that I've been texting you all morning. Looks like you've been keeping secrets from me." She tilts her head, arching an eyebrow.

"Excuse us for a moment please, Gina." Shea steps forward, moving to stand between Jasmine and the counter. "I'd like some privacy, if that's okay."

Gina nods, quickly disappearing to the back room. She glances nervously over her shoulder as she leaves.

Shea glares at Jasmine. "What the fuck do you want?" she hisses, her voice low but laced with anger. "You come in here, acting like you're all concerned, when I know damn well you could care less about me or my family."

"Your family? What family? Your brother? Chris? Or the little baby you just had? What family?" Jasmine laughs. "You're pathetic, Shea. You really are. You think you're better than me just because you've got money and a famous name? Well, I've got news for you. That doesn't mean shit."

"Doesn't it?" Shea snaps. "I've got a family who loves me. I've got people who would do anything for me. And you know what? I'd do the same for them. Unlike you, I'm not out here trying to tear people down just to feel better about myself."

"I don't need to tear you down when I have your brother AND your baby daddy wrapped around my fingers." Jasmine leans in close, her voice low and menacing. "Did he tell you about our little bathroom session?" Shea's eyes widen in shock. "He told you, didn't he? He told you all about how he couldn't keep his hands off me." Jasmine smirks, relishing the look of horror on Shea's face. "Well, I'm not done with him yet. And I don't think he's done with me either."

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