chapter eight

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While at her plastic surgery consult, Shea sits down in the seat

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While at her plastic surgery consult, Shea sits down in the seat. The doctor, whose name is Dr. White, greets her. "Okay. Hi. So, before we get started, I do want to explain that before I do any procedures, I need to ask you some questions and explain some things to you." Dr. White explains. Shea nods, her long brown hair falling over her shoulders. She notices a framed photo on the desk of Dr. White with her husband and two kids. She looks to be about the same age as Shea's mother.

"Okay, my love -- first thing's first, I what exactly are you looking to change?" Dr. White asks, leaning forward with an encouraging smile.

Shea takes a deep breath, feeling a knot form in her stomach. "Mainly my boobs." She says, blushing slightly. "I just want them to look more... smaller."

"Are you experiencing back pain or any uncomfort?" Dr. White asks, pulling out a tape measure and wrapping it around Shea's chest. "And what size do you want them reduced to?"

"Well, they're a 36 right now. I want them to be more like a B cup. No, I don't really have any discomfort. I just want them to look different." Shea says, biting her lip. "I don't know. I guess I just want to feel more like myself."

"Ah -- okay." Dr. White says, scribbling down some notes. "Well, I love doing breasts reductions. They're the most harmless surgeries in the world, honestly. Your scars are tiny and barely noticeable. They're hidden under your breasts and around the areola," she says, using her fingers to illustrate the incisions. "The recovery is pretty quick too. You'll feel some soreness and maybe a bit of numbness at first, but that'll go away in a few weeks."

Shea nods, her eyes fixed on the spot where Dr. White is using her fingers to illustrate the incisions. "Okay." She says, her voice sounding small. "Can I ask a question?"

"Sure." Dr. White says with a smile. "What's on your mind?"

"How dangerous are liposuctions?" Shea asks hesitantly.

Dr. White chuckles. "Well, there's always some risk with any surgery, but liposuction is pretty safe. The worst complication is a bit of internal bleeding or fluid buildup, but that's rare and easy to fix. And there's no risk of organ damage or anything like that. So, as long as you're a good candidate for it, you don't need to worry about the risks too much -- however, it is very much recommended that you wait until after you have children, if you plan on having them, before getting liposuction -- because your body might change the way you expect it to. And it can lead to some issues if you have it done before your body is done growing."

Shea nods. "I've heard a lot of bad things about BBL's, like -- people getting them and then getting infections and people dying ..." She says, trailing off.

"Yeah -- BBLs are dangerous. What happens is -- you have the layers of skin and fat and muscle, right? Well, when you do a BBL, you're basically just inflating one of those layers, the fat layer, with fat from another part of your body. And if you go too deep and you hit something else -- like a blood vessel or an organ -- it can be really bad. And sometimes, people just don't recover from it. But with reductions like we're talking about, there's no risk of that. We're just taking fat away, not putting anything in." Dr. White explains, her tone reassuring.

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