chapter seven.

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"I can't believe you guys did that

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"I can't believe you guys did that." Kat said, shaking her head as she sank deeper into the plush chair in the corner. "I'm not even mad at you, Shea, I'm just... I'm in shock."

"All we did was make money." Maddy pointed out, shrugging nonchalantly. "And we deserve it. We've been through enough."

"He's gonna flip when he realizes it's gone," BB added with a grin. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when we tell him we sold it all."

"He might actually beat Shea's ass." Kat frowned, but there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "He's got a temper, you know."

"Nobody fucking cares." Shea snapped. "He deserves it. He got away with so much worse." She reached over and took another shot of tequila, downing it in one go. "I'm just glad we finally did something about it." She glanced over at Maddy and BB, a small smile playing on her lips.

"That was kinda fun." BB grinned, taking a sip from her drink. "I mean, stealing is bad. But like, that was exhilarating." BB giggled, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "It felt good to take something away from him after something he took from us."

"What did he take from us?" Kat asked, her voice quiet. She looked at each of her friends in turn. "I mean, yeah, he cheated on her and lied, but did any of us even actually like Cassie that much?"

Maddy shrugged. "I mean, yeah, she was our friend, but... she always had backstabbing tendencies. We just didn't realize how bad it was until..." She trailed off, finishing her drink.

"I wanna do more." Shea declared, her voice slightly slurred from alcohol. "I wanna keep taking things away from him. I wanna make him feel the way he made us feel. I want him to know what it's like to have nothing left."

"Shea, sit your ass down." Kat sighed, reaching over to grab her friend by the arm. "We're not doing that again. We got what we wanted, and now we need to move on. Don't make this into something more than it is. It's just a stupid guy and some stupid jewelry. We're better than that."

"No. It's more than that. He took my best friend. He lied to me. Made me look like a fucking idiot." Shea yanked her arm free from Kat's grip. "I'm not just gonna let him get away with it. I want him to hurt the way he hurt us. I want him to know what it feels like to lose everything."

"Can we not?" Kat asked, her voice a mixture of exasperation and worry. "Look, I get it. He was a dick. But we can't go around trying to make him miserable. That's not who we are. We can't let him change that about us."

"Says who?" Maddy chimed in, her tone challenging. "Let's do something else. Something like ... we can sneak back into his house and ruin all of his shit." Maddy glanced at BB who was already nodding in agreement.

Kat was panicking. She knew they couldn't keep doing this. They had already gone too far. But she also knew that Shea was on a mission, and there was no stopping her. Maddy and BB were on board with her as well.

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