If it was one thing Neno knew how to do was make me extremely nervous.

The song ended and he planted a kiss on my forehead before smiling, "That song deadass how I feel about you, Cici. Shit crazy as fuck."


"You know how I feel about you." He shrugged.

"I don't actually."

I could make a million assumptions as to how he felt about me but he had never said it himself. I liked when people told me directly how they felt about me instead of just letting my mind wander and convince myself of whatever I made up inside of my mind.

"What she said. With every passing moment, thoughts of you run through my head," He licked his lips before laughing. "But nah for real, I like you a lot. I liked you even before we went out bowling that one time."

"You're smart, you're pretty, sophisticated. And you enjoy helping others even when you may or may not get something beneficial out of it.."

He continued, "I notice the smallest shit about you so don't call me a creep when I say this but, I love the way your nose curls up when something confuses you. I love how observant and inquisitive you are. I notice how when something makes you nervous you hold onto any piece of jewelry you have on. And I notice how you always try your hardest to be nice to the people around you."

"I haven't felt this way about nobody in a long, long time Kacie. But aye, like J Cole said, if eyes could talk then mines would tell ya' that I'm feeling you." He shrugged quoting a song lyric from 'Deja Vu'

"With that being said.."

Before I could even say anything in response to everything that he had said to me he turned on Deja Vu and started yelling the lyrics loudly into his mic as I just stood there, flabbergasted.

"Corny ass." I laughed.

Who knew he felt that way about little ole me.


"Welcome home, Kacie! We're doing family dinner tonight. You can go upstairs and change or what not but make sure to come back quick so your food doesn't get cold." My dad spoke to me as soon as I walked into the house.

I nodded and made my way upstairs to my room, stripping out of my clothes with a big ass grin on my face. The same big ass grin that I had ever since Neno confessed all of his feelings to me.

I now understood why girls loved being in relationships because before him I had never really seen the hype around it. But here I was, imagining the rest of my life with this man after a simple karaoke date.

I put on my pajamas and headed back downstairs seeing that both my mother and father was at the kitchen table. That was something I hadn't seen in at least a year.

"Mom, you're here." I smiled, sitting down at the table seeing that it was chicken, mashed potatoes, and salad in front of me. 

"Yes ma'am. I had to get out that room."

"How was your day, Kacie?" My dad asked me as I took a bite out of my chicken.

"It was good." My giddy ass smiled.

"What did you do?"

I sat for a moment to sit and think about if I wanted to lie or just tell them the truth. I hated to relate everything back to my mother not having much time left but since she didn't then I wanted to mention Neno to her before she left.

"I went out to this karaoke lounge with a guy from school. We went to the one right by the old crawfish place we used to go to—"

"A boy?" My mother gasped dramatically with one hand over her heart while my father's eyes damn near bulged out of his head.

"Yes, his name is Emanuel." I shrugged.

Awkward as hell considering I have never ever in my seventeen years of living mentioned a boy to them, let alone had a male interest.

"Do you like this Mr. Emanuel?" My dad raised an eyebrow.

"I do. It's been about two months and I can see it going somewhere."

"I been waiting my whole life for this moment. You have never ever mentioned a boy to us, not even one that you just found attractive. I'm so happy to hear this girl I was starting to think you was gay." My mother sighed. "When can we meet this Mr. Emanuel?"

"I can arrange something with him." I smiled.

"Let me know if that little boy tries any funny shit cause I will hurt his ass. You know it's war behind my little girl—"

"Chill yo' god fearing ass out." My mom rolled her eyes.

"Still don't play about my little girl. So like I said—"

"I will let you know dad." I rolled my eyes playfully.


𝐚/𝐧: this getting boring chat?

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