Cloudy Days (Spot)

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For once, it's not a gray and blustery day in New York. Spot Conlon doesn't know what the hell he was thinking, settling in a place like this, although he supposes he never really had a choice about it at all. It's a cold and shady city, and that mood translates to its people. No one here would give him the time of day unless they absolutely had to, and he wouldn't give them a damn thing either. That's the tune of the city, and Spot drums it daily. Eat or be eaten. Kill or get killed.

That's the way it's always been, the way it always will be. Spot doesn't want anyone's sympathy. He's grown past the point of needing it. Spot will do what Spot does best: look out for himself, never take handouts, never be dependent on anything save his feet to carry him places and that weird thing beating between his ribs to keep him alive.

The other newsies respect that, and look up to it. Brooklyn may have a reputation for being the meanest borough around, but the newsies protect each other like no one else. Even when the sun don't shine for months on end. Even on rare days, like today, when it does.

The bright streets have Spot thinking a little funny, just like always. When the sun is out and the skies are blue, he starts feeling a strange thing some might describe as happiness. For once, everything isn't totally terrible. It's like the high he gets after soaking his enemies, 'cept his knuckles aren't bloody and his eyes aren't blackened.

Maybe it's got him in a good mood. Maybe that's why, when a new fella comes looking for a spot in Spot's growing army of newsies, he's inclined to say yes. This new ally of his is nothing like Spot has ever seen before. They're smiling at him before they so much as tip their hat or say hello. At first, it makes him wonder if they've got some sort of problem, then he realizes that the newcomer isn't grinning like that to be threatening, just because they're legitimately, well, happy.

Strange. Confusing, even. Still, the abundance of sunshine is rattling Spot's brain, so instead of laughing in their face, he actually offers them a place amongst the ranks. Were it any other day, he's sure he would have made them go somewhere a little more sickly-sweet, where friendship is magic and everyone can stand around, fuckin', square dancing or something, whatever it is they do over in 'Hattan or the other less serious boroughs, but he doesn't. He welcomes them into his home. He pretends he isn't completely baffled by their happy-go-lucky act.

And, since it's clearly on the brain anyway, he gives them a nickname then and there, a real Spot Conlon first edition: Sunshine. He reckoned it seemed pretty true at the moment. As it turns out, he had no idea. Sunshine gets on his damn nerves every moment of every day. They're so sweet it makes him want to throw up. If he ever saw them without a smile on their face for longer than thirty seconds, he'd suspect an imposter. They toss out compliments like they mean it or something, and they actually pick flowers to give to their friends.

Spot would think it was an act, except it actually isn't. No way a human being could keep up a pretense that long and not go totally crazy. Spot, for one, does feel like he's going crazy, but that's neither here nor there.

Every day is the same. He wakes up too early, drags himself out of bed and gets ready, then pokes his head out of his space just to find Sunshine already up and at it, beaming at him and wishing him a very good morning, Spot, before turning to the next half-asleep newsie and repeating them message, and man, he wants to throttle someone already. In the line for papes, they're excitedly talking to him about how they hope for a good headline, and whenever Spot runs into them while selling, they've always got something funny to say. If Spot wanted to laugh, he'd go to the circus. Although even he has to admit that New York feels like that half the damn time anyway.

It's actually starting to make him angry. Who is this newcomer to burst in and disrupt everyone like this? Spot's no fool. Even though he's proud of his newsies and glad to be among the best company there is, this isn't the life any of them would choose if they had other options. The newsies are here because they have no money and no prospects. They are the terrible youth, set out on the streets because there is no one else to watch out for them but each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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