Standing Up (Davey Jacobs)

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There's an altercation happening outside the Lodging House again.

Honestly, Davey Jacobs doesn't know what he expected. Ever since the success of the strike, Jack got it into his head that they should have meetings with all the New York newsies more frequently. This great gathering has only been going on for a few days now, but tempers are already wearing thin.

Case in point: as Davey wends his way through the throngs of people, he can hear shouting rising above the ranks again. He can hear whispers as he goes, so he's able to pick up at least some of it for some much needed background information. Apparently, one of the Brooklyn kids tried to insult the younger Manhattan kids, and someone's going off on them right now for it.

Davey turns a corner and is confronted with the sight at last. There's the Brooklyn newsie, looking exceedingly uncomfortable and more chastened than Davey was expecting, and there, delivering the lecture is–

Y/N L/N?

Davey feels as if he's been rooted to the floor by the force of his surprise. He knows Y/N, has had the pleasure of knowing her for quite some time. That's why Davey has known Y/N to be calm and quiet, nothing like this. They've talked about homework and what they're reading in the papes, and he would never, ever expect her to be so furious and loud right now.

In all honesty, it's amazing to watch. Burning with the force of her indignation, Y/N's reminding the Brooklyn kid of all the ways that the Manhattan newsies are way better than he could ever be. Davey's heart skips a beat once, twice, too many times to count.

A voice by his side makes him startle. "You know, of all the moments for you to realize that you were crushing on Y/N, I didn't expect it to be this one."

Davey stares at Crutchie, who's materialized out of the crowd by his side.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Davey says hastily, although he's not sure that either of them believe it.

"Of course you don't," Crutchie says comfortingly, "If I were you, though, I'd get to asking her out sooner than later."

The other boy claps Davey on the shoulder before heading out once again. Davey is left to his own staring, this time with a stunning revelation before him. Does he really love Y/N? On second thought, when she finishes yelling at the Brooklyn newsie and turns to Davey with a smile, he knows it for sure: yes, he is, and yes, he's going to do something about it right now.

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