Dating Childhood Friend Spot Conlon Would Include...

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-It is a well established fact that Spot Conlon would be absolutely nowhere without you

-Luckily for him, though, he hasn't had to go much of his life without you by his side

-You've been childhood friends and family friends and the one person he goes to when he needs help for almost as long as either of you can remember

-When Spot decided to join the Brooklyn newsies, you were there to offer advice and make sure he had everything he needed to quickly take over the newsboys of the borough

-When any of the Brooklyn newsies needed help, they could either look for Spot or for you- wherever one of you was, the other one would likely be there too

-Soon enough, Spot realized that he counted on your presence a lot more than he should, and looked for you in whatever crowds sprung up around him

-When he asked you out on a date, he made sure it was something nice He brought flowers, gave you a coat the second you so much as shivered, did the whole shebang

-It was for you, after all, there was simply no way he wouldn't go above and beyond

-That was a year ago, that first date, and you've been together ever since

-You're commonly referred to as the 'Queen of Brooklyn', a title that only serves to make you smile

-You deserve it, too- besides being with Spot, you've put a lot of time and energy into making sure the Brooklyn boys have their best shot at success on the streets of New York

-You've sewn shirts, cleaned up the rooms of the lodging house, bandaged cuts and scrapes from all of the newsboys seeming to have a death wish, and more

-So, when Jack Kelly comes to Brooklyn to ask Spot to join the newsboys' strike, he makes sure you're in the room to hear the request as well

-Spot says no at first- too much risk to his boys, too little a chance that the 'Hattan newsies would stick it out

-You, though, beg to differ

-It takes the better part of half an hour, but you manage to convince Spot to change his mind

-In the end, Spot's not really surprised about this- if there's anyone to make him consider a different option, it would be you

-So, he reluctantly tells Jack that Brooklyn will be there after all

-When Spot shows up the strike, though, he instantly feels better about it- you're there waving to him with a massive grin

-And, when you're sure that no one is looking, you dart over to kiss him, just because you can

-That's your boyfriend, after all, out front and making sure every working kid in the city has a shot at success :))

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