Don't You Know? (Race)

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Based on a request for a newsies college AU

Today could quite possibly be described as the perfect day. The weather is nice, for once; no billowing heat waves or unforeseen cold snaps, not even a hint of dripping humidity or tear-raising winds. Your footsteps, typically brisk on the brick walkways of your college campus, have slowed to a pleasant stroll. There's no need to rush, not on days like this.

You're startled by a sudden arm snaking around your shoulders, but just before your heart rate gets the proper chance to skyrocket, you glance over your shoulder to see your best friend walking beside you.

Race laughs at your expression. "Are you ever going to get used to seeing me, or am I going to scare you every time I say hello?"

You roll your eyes. "Maybe if you actually said hello instead of doing your best to freak me out, I wouldn't be nervous."

Race grins. "Yeah, that might work. It's a shame I'm not going to do that, though."

You smile, unable to feel anything but happy around him for long. "I assumed as much."

Looking over at Race, you can't help but feel a rush of pure, brilliant happiness rise to your chest. It's a sunny day, the amount of homework awaiting you isn't actually that much for once, and you're here with the one boy who actually makes your life worthwhile. It's cliche, fit for the lines of a storybook, but Race makes everything feel as right as rain.

Your gaze grows soft. You've been friends with Race for what feels like forever, and been crushing on him for surely that long as well. You just can't help it, can you? This golden boy before you has made everyone else seem like nothing. There's no way you could possibly love anyone else but him.

It would be nice if Race could see things the same way. Surely he should manage to figure it out, right? You're the only one who's managed to memorize his ever changing coffee order, who waits up behind the group when Race falls behind to tie his shoes. You have been set on him for forever, but for some reason he's never noticed.

Or, worse, he has, and is just doing his best to pretend you only think of him as a friend. You don't think this is quite the case, though. Race is just happily oblivious, even when you swear you're giving him as many hints as you can.

For now, though, you won't let the pining trouble you. You lean into Race's arm, and let the sun shine down on both of you. You don't need anything more, not when he's with you, even if you wish his heart would start singing a different tune whenever you're in sight. It's the two of you against the world, the same way it's always been.

Race whistles under his breath as he walks. "Are you ready for class? I heard Mr. Pulitzer's assigning us a new project."

You groan. "His projects are terrible! I swear, would it kill him to actually come up with an interesting prompt for once? He gives us the most boring stuff in the world, and then gets surprised when nobody wants to do it."

Race nods in sympathy. "He only tries to change things up when he gets worried that his approval ratings are down. I swear, nothing motivates the guy like research funds or seeming better than the Suns."

Race has just quoted a truth universally acknowledged, which is that a teacher such as Mr. Pulitzer who cares not for the affections of his students but the grade of his pay, must drive himself to madness trying to compete with rival professors at nearby universities. You and Race both go to Manhattan University, home of the Worlds, and the one place that truly feels like home.

MU is also one half of a well known rivalry between another local school, New York College. The New York Suns have been trying to tear out Manhattan's throat ever since the schools were founded. The two universities compete for research projects, accolades, the best staff, everything.

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