-Chapter 17-

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Leo led me down to the deeper basements of the castle. The deeper we went the scarier it got, and the more worried I became for Aries. "Jeez what is this, your torture chamber?" I questioned Leo. He chuckled darkly, "Indeed it is mi principessa. Such an observant eye you have."

"So how many people do you like to torture down here..." I interrogated after taking notice to a large blood stain on the stone walls of the dark corridor we walked down. "Lots, trouble, lots. Hopefully one day I can torture you within these walls as well." He said sinisterly and I shuddered. "Keep dreaming buddy, keep dreaming."

He suddenly turned around and pinned me against the cold wall, his large figure brooding over my smaller one. With one hand we held my own high above my head, the other he wrapped tightly around my neck. "What did you just call me?" He growled. My thighs squeezed together, and my teeth clenched, "you heard me, buddy." I swore he was going to rip my throat out as he squeezed harder. I gasped but remained strong.

"I am your king, treat me like it or their will be consequences, amor." He said the last word so viciously it was ironic. I managed to gasp out a laugh before kneeing him in the gut, catching him off guard. In that moment of weakness, I punched him in the throat and the corrupt gurgling noise he made satisfied me. "And I am your queen." I hissed, catching my breath.

Leo was hunched over, his hand wrapped protectively around his throat. His head slowly moved up, his icy eyes meeting mine, "It's always a pleasure with you, tesoro. Now let's go talk to this friend of yours."


Aries was tied down to an uncomfortable looking metal chair in the center of a dank empty room. The entire place was underground and constructed of concrete and stone. Mold grew on the walls and the place smelled of mildew and stale blood. Gross murky liquid dripped from the ceiling and small puddles littered the uneven floor. A singular light bulb hung right above where Aries was sitting, her head bent low.

Her usually shining fire-red head hair looked dull due to the dust and dirt of the place. Two guards hovered on either side of her sagging frame and my heart ached to help her. The only thing stopping me from running at her was the pistol in each guard's hand. Leo clapped loudly and it echoed throughout the small room. Aries head shot up. Her eyes dull and lifeless, her face pale and her lips chapped.

Her eyes found mine and the slightest bit of hope glimmered in her dull eyes. "Si è comportata bene? (Has she behaved well?)" Leo asked the guards. I wish I had a clue of what he was saying. The taller more muscular laughed although I couldn't see his face in the shadows, "Non ha detto una parola. Ma posso dire che è fiesty. (Hasn't said a word. But I can tell she's fiesty)" My eyes narrowed in on the cocky guard and I swear I saw his Adams apple bob as he gulped.

Leo smiled brightly, "Little red-head I see you recognize my fiancé over here." He said proudly as he gestured towards me. Aries eyes showed no hint of relief. I silently praised her. She didn't want to appear weak. "Hmmmm," Leo mumbled, "Small but mighty I see. I've took a notice to your keen skills. You helped mi principessa over here nearly escape her father. Is that correct?" Aries kept her mouth shut.

"Fucile. Testa. (Gun. Head.)" Leo commanded and the shorter fatter bald guard held his gun to Aries temple. My body suddenly went rigid, ready to defend. Leo noticed and smirked. "Let me ask you again little sphinx. Is that correct?" I praised her strength, but prayed she answered. I did not need to see another one of my companions' heads disconnected from their body. Her eyes looked me, and I silently gestured for her to speak. "Yes." Her voice was no longer young and lively, it was hoarse. She was severely dehydrated.

"We could always use those types of skills around here. And you've already seen too much." He said matter-of-factly and I knew exactly what was coming, "The mafia has one big rule, little sphinx. You stay, or you die. There's no escaping." I sucked in a deep breath, my fight or flight still activated. I would jump in front of a bullet for this girl and I was ready.

Aries hard demeanor faltered a little and my heart ached. She must be terrified. "So, I have an offer," Leo continued, "You can stay and work for me," the guard with the gun to Aries head flicked the safety off, "or you die."

She gulped. I could tell she was contemplating. I prayed she said she would stay. I would watch over her. Make sure she was fed well and always visit her as she worked. She can't die now she's too young. "I would rather die than work for scum like you." She seethed. Leo rolled his eyes and flicked his hand in the air, signaling the guard to shoot.

"Wait!" I screeched in desperation as I ran towards Aries and flung my body in front of her. I closed my eyes waiting for the gunshot. But it never came. I pried my eyes open slowly and saw Leo with his head in his hands. "Trouble, trouble, trouble. Trying to get yourself killed before I can call you mine. Silly thing." I let out a breath of relief, not even acknowledging what he said.

"Torna giù. La mia regina si sta comportando di nuovo (Back down. My Queen is acting up again.)" He said to the guards, and they backed off. Aries was shaking under me, and I turned to wrap her small frame in my arms. "Shhh. You're okay. You're going to be okay."

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