Chapter 42

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One Month Later

Neon lights dance and scatter across the gray-striped tiles surrounding the rooftop pool. The color of the water changes from grape purple to fuschia pink to midnight blue, the pulsing of the colors in tempo with the house music.

"Well I mean, it's kinda sad when you think about it."

"What?" Archer turns back toward the group, posting a sweeping view of the pool balcony jutting precariously out over the Hollywood Hills, daring and brazen toward the naturally precipitous landscape.

"I said it's sad!" Benny's voice bellows louder, competing with the music.

"It's not sad. It's disgusting." Romi chides as she places her hand on Archer's shoulder, using him like a piece of furniture for balance as she peels off her Jimmy Choo heels coated in different sized pearls. "I can't believe Ina re-signed that fucking psychotic bitch. She's always going to be a liability. I swear I will never understand the allure."

"Romi, you're just jealous. You were number one for like a week and then boom, Sumner knocked you back again." Archer chuckles, tipping his drink to his mouth before Romi swipes it from his hand, pouring its contents behind her and into the pool.

"Hey! What the fuck."

"She hasn't even recorded a new episode in almost a month and her numbers are still sky-rocketing." Akari's voice slices harshly through the buzzy relaxed vibe of the party, laced with an edge of resentment.

"That's just because all of the drama is hitting the press. It'll die down." Romi squints her eyes at Akari, not appreciating the regret in her tone. A flutter of ivy green envy snakes its way through Romi's body, settling in the taught line of her full mouth.

"I mean I just feel so bad." Benny ignores the iciness between Romi and Akari as he stares out at the glittering, almost metallic pool water. "I keep typing her a DM and then deleting it. I feel like...I don't know, I just feel like I should have known. Should have picked up signs about Ezra, something—"

"That's not on you, Benny. Jesus. The guy was a certified serial killer freak. They're whole schtick is being able to blend in." Romi rolls her eyes, so over this conversation that's taken place in slight variations ever since news of Ezra's attempted murder of Sumner West hit the Podster inner circle before going mainstream. Romi's fingers tighten around her glass, wondering how she might be able to get someone to take a knife to her throat. Just a little blood, a little sting, and she'd be back on top. She downs the liquor to blunt the thought.

Always such an obsession around fucking Sumner West. The mystery, the controversy, the drama of her life, of her past.

Is she guilty? Innocent? A victim just like the others Ezra murdered?

It flocked to her in droves like bees to flowers.

"Still," Luna twirled her new extensions, the ice-blonde tips brushing against the tops of her slender hips, "all those hours we left her alone in that studio with Ezra." Luna shivers at the thought, sharing a sympathetic glance with Benny. "I can't imagine what it would feel like knowing someone's followed your life for years—literally eight years—killing so many people somehow related to you. It's's wild."

"Christ, all of you are so depressing with this shit. In a few weeks it'll be old news. Sumner is fine. The cops saved her so you can all just relax and quit it with your little guilt trips already. Don't act like you hadn't decided to abandon her because you knew she'd be embroiled in something impossible to come back from—"

"That was when we thought she was guilty." Akari snaps, glancing up from the email app on her phone. "When you not-so-subtly planted that seed in us."

"Oh, so now I'm to blame for you quitting your jobs? Sorry for offering you better pay with a more famous host who doesn't have to be connected to literal murder for views." Romi bares her teeth in a sneer, flashing Akari a mock smile.

"Woah, chill out." Archer stands up, placing his hands between them. "Who wants a Xanax?"

"I did hear something fun." Benny leans in closer, crossing one leg over the other as his eyes glitter with tea.

"What?" Luna sidles up next to him.

"Apparently Sumner is dating that hot detective, Lucas. The one who interviewed all of us."

Romi lets out a huff of annoyance. "Whatever. Literally, who cares."

"And," Benny continues, ignoring Romi's sour mood, "I heard he was the one who saved her. From Ezra. Shot him right before he sliced Sumner's throat like he did to Violet Russel and Natasha Wood."

"Wow, no way!" Luna's eyes go wide, hanging on to Benny's every word.

"RIP Natasha Wood, an American tragedy for real." Archer shakes his head and makes a gesture toward the heavens.

"You're ridiculous." Romi steps away from the group, snatching up her high heels. "You're all fucking losers." She swishes her voluminous halo of chestnut curls over her shoulder and goes out in search of another group. Preferably one unconcerned with the dating life of said Sumner West.

"The world can say what they want about Sumner, I'm not gonna act like her life isn't somewhat sketchy." Benny's voice is wistful as he fans himself dramatically. "But landing that hot detective? That bitch always knows how to end up on top."

"No cap." Luna clinks her glass against Benny's, shaking her head slowly in awe.

"Do you think she'll start recording again soon?" Akari flicks at an imaginary piece of flint on her wide-leg trousers, eyeing the easiest route to make a smooth exit from this party.

"It's Sumner fucking West," Benny chuckles, leaning back on his arm as he glances up at the darkening night sky, "she can't stay away from a microphone for too long."

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