Chapter II

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Kaito, the son of the wealthiest man in the West, sat on the hard stool, a grey straw hat down low over his copper brown eyes, which were surveying the room, inspecting the whole scene before him. A small plump woman sat at the piano on the side of the room to his left, emitting lively music throughout the canteen, and waitresses walked around with trays of refreshments and food. He sighed, his chin cupped in his palm, his arm propped up on the wood counter.

"You're so boring today," Carswell, his rule-breaking best friend, mumbled from his right.

Kai turned to his right and lazily looked at him. Carswell Thorne was known throughout the whole town to be a player, just another pretty boy with blue eyes that always held a mischievous gleam to them and light brown hair that was messy, yet tamed. He sighed. "Or maybe you're just too un-boring today."

Carswell took a drink out of the small glass in his hands. He pointed an accusing finger at Kai and frowned. "You know, Mister Wealthiest Young Man, I may not be the smartest but..." He hiccuped, taking another drink. "But I do know that un-boring is not a word."

Kai laughed patting his friend on the back. "You don't know what you're talking about, Carswell. Of course it's a word. You are just too un-sober to realize it."

Carswell frowned as he looked down at his empty glass, ignoring Kai's last words, not arguing again about how un-sober was not a word either. He lifted it in the air and looked at the bottom of it. Confused, he set it down on the counter. "Kai?"

"Hmm," Kai responded, an amused expression on his face as he waited for the next set of senseless words to come out of his friend's mouth.

"I think there was a hole in this glass."

Kai shook his head disapprovingly and stood up. He placed a hand on Carswell's shoulder and gave him a quick tap. "Alright, Carswell. Up you go." Kai tried to lift his friend from the stool. If he were to order another drink, he'd never leave the old canteen. "Come now, Carswell. We need to get out of-- Stars, why are you so heavy?"

Carswell waved him away with the shake of his head. "No. No, Kai. I'm not done here yet. I still have to... I still have to..." He trailed off, his eyes zoning off and staring blankly at the wooden floor, which was stained with splotches of unknown liquids and substances. Carswell snapped his fingers and looked at Kai. He frowned. "Did you just call me heavy?" Carswell winked. "Must be all that muscle," he said, holding up his arm.

"Carswell, you're drunk," Kai deadpanned, taking his hat off for a moment and running a hand through his black hair, frustrated. He put the hat back on so that nobody would notice his presence.

Carswell stood up, surprisingly keeping his balance and not toppling over. "Am not!" Carswell sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm just in a fairly happy-- Oh, who is that?" Kai sighed and watched as Carswell walked out of the bar, following after a tall blonde.

He turned back around and signaled for the waitress behind the counter to come. The short woman came, notepad in hand. "What can I get for you, Mister..."

"Just water, please," Kai interrupted, ignoring her 'inconspicuous' way of asking for his name. She nodded with a flirtatious smile and walked away. Meanwhile, Kai crossed his arms over the wood and let his head fall on top of them. He closed his eyes.

Around him, everything went silent as the doors to the canteen were heard swinging open. Kaito heard two sets of feet enter the large bar. One of the pair of feet sounded small, delicate, almost nonexistent. The other however was loud, an uneven staccato.

Clank, thump. Clank, thump. Clank, thump.

Silence, then, the voice of the town baker, Chang Sacha. "Hey look! It's good ol' Fake Foot!" Laughter followed the woman's comment, and the music from the piano followed shortly.

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