Thirty five

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Half hour later;

Jimin: ( reached the location which Namjoon had shared and saw Jungkook sitting in the passenger seat with his head resting on Jin's shoulder ,he ran toward them being worried ) Jungkookaa?

Kook:( opened his eyes immediately hearing his hyungs name and saw Jimin coming toward them worriedly ) Hyung ( whispered to himself and got out of the car and hugged Jimin as soon as Jimin reached there )

Jimin: Damn it Kook! are you ok ! You know how worried I was ! ( hugged him back tightly and kissed his forehead then started looking at his scratches being worried )  How you get these injuries !! Oh my it's bleeding ! Is it-

Kook: I am okay Hyung ,sorry for making you worried ( said hanging his head low seeing Jimin so much worried )

Jimin: Shut up ! If I wouldn't be worried then who will be ! And tell me already what happened ! And what are you doing here in such a place !!

Jin: He got in front of my car( jimin wide his eyes )  but luckily didn't get seriously hurt because Joon saved him

Jimin:( looked at the Jin then back at the male standing beside Jin ) Namjoon hyung ! ( whispered )

Jin: You know him already ? ( asked looking back and forth at Joon and jimin who were staring at eachother without saying anything )

Jimin: ( nodded then shook his head quickly confused in his own decision ) Ani ! I-

Joon: Yeah we  know each other because he is a shareholder in our company and we had even talked a few times

Jimin: Nae- Nice to meet you in person Mr.Kim ! ( bowed a little ) Am really sorry for the inconvenience caused by my brother and I am so grateful of you for saving him ( said genuinely as his eyes got fresh tears looking at Jin and Namjoon )

Jin: Its ok kid ! ( patted his head softly )You don't need to be so formal , Just go home and take care of him he is too scared right now and take care of yourself too you look exhausted ! It's too late now and it's dangerous here hmm ( to kook ) don't be scared too ,Just go home and relax we will see these things tomorrow hmm

Kook: ( nodded his head ) ok hyung

Jin: ( hugged kook ) and also say sorry to tae ( whispered near his ear ) I would have surely not leave you when you are injured but you know hobi is alone at home

Kook: hmm ( hugged back ) be careful hyung ( said glancing at Namjoon who was looking at them )

Jimin: We will take our leave then ! Thanks  ( held kook's hand again bowed a little making Jin chuckled who nodded as approval )

Jimin: Lets go kook ( said supporting kook to walk to the car  whose leg was quite injured making it difficult for him to walk ,while the Kim brothers also sat in their car and drove away )

A few minutes later In the car ;

Jimin:( quietly driving as he hadn't spoken any word to his brother from the moment they stepped in car )

Kook: Hyun-g ( called out for his brother after a long silence )

Jimin: hmm ?

Kook: Are y-you angry at me? ( asked while tears roll down his cheeks thinking that Jimin is mad at him )

Jimin: ( sighed ) For what ? That even after I tried to stop you ,You didn't listen to me and went to take tae and then the exact happen which I have warned for ! Or For the thing that you come to such a place and got yourself in an accident !! Do you know how worried I was when I was informed about your accident ,My breaths got stucked listening to that !What if something had happened to you ! How can you-- Why are you being like this lately !!

Park Brothers [ VMinKook ff ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora