The Longest Fight

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"And, thanks to April's job here last year, we have the wifi password one." Donnie said.

He puts the password on and the show comes on.

"Yes!" The turtles cheered.

"I love you guys and watching you this with all of you is my favorite bonding day of the year." Mikey said.

And so, the turtles started to watch the event on their phones, separately. Something crashed from somewhere, getting Blaze's attention.

"Did you guys hear that?" Blaze asked.

"You mean that loud bang? No." Leo replied.

"Is anyone gonna check it out?" Blaze asked.

"And miss skateboarding? Sounds like a job for the ones who are always telling us that there's danger." Donnie said.

"Fine, I'll go," Blaze said.

Blaze leaves. As soon as she stopped at the escalator, she bumped into a mannequin and dropped it on the ground. She tried to pick it up. In the distance, we see the Foot lieutenant and Brute who had entered. Blaze quickly hid behind the shelves.

"Did you hear that?" Foot Lieutenant asked.

"You mean that loud thud of a mannequin falling over? No." Foot Brute replied.

"Well, are you going to check it out?" Foot Lieutenant asked.

"Sounds like a job for the guy who's always telling the other guys he's boss but it's clear the other guy should be the boss and that creates a lot of workplace tension. Fine, I'll go." Foot Brute replied.

"Hello? Mr. Security guard? I am a local school child locked in here after hours. Can you help me find my sensei..uh I mean, my mommy-san?" He said as he started to follow the source of the sound.

There was nobody here but he found a mannequin head. He picks it up and goes back to his partner.

"The foot clan. What are they doing here?" Blaze asked.

"It was just a mannequin. Who could have seen that coming. Oh, right me." Foot Brute said.

"Enough buffoonery. Get back to work." The Foot Lieutenant said.

The Foot Lieutenant held up his touch and turned to the store which was locked.

"Oh no, not on my watch," Blaze said.

She immediately transformed into her mafia form

The Foot clan held up a gauntlet along with a red ruby ring attached to its finger.

"We've got it!" The Foot Lieutenant cheered.

"Alright, hot heads. Hand over the ruby ring and no one gets hurt," Blaze commanded.

The lieutenant charges at Blaze, knocking her into the mannequins, but not knowing that she snatched the ruby ring out of his finger.

"Hah! Caught your ring," Blaze said.

"What? You have no idea what you're dealing with. Give it back now!" Foot Lieutenant commanded as he threw his origami soldiers.

Blaze immediately placed the ruby ring in her ring finger and began battling the origami soldiers. After fighting the soldiers, she was about to fight off the foot clan until the ruby ring glows and makes her feel lightheaded.

"You always have to go through the hard way, don't you?" Foot Lieutenant asked while smirking as Blaze passed out.

"Mom! Mom, where are you?! (gasps)" I gasped as I saw Blaze pass out on the floor.

"Perfect," Foot Brute said.

"What have you done to her," Lloyd snarled.

"You'll find out soon enough," Foot Lieutenant said as he and Brute ran off with the gauntlet.

"Stop!" I yelled.

Blaze transformed back to her normal self while me and Lloyd ran to her aid.

"I'll take care of her. Honey, go gun them down," I said as I gave Lloyd my pistol.

"Got it," Lloyd replied.

While Lloyd went off, I pulled Blaze into my arms and gently patted her cheeks to wake her up.

"Mom! Mom," I called out.

Blaze woke up and I helped her up from the ground.

"Mom, are you okay? Mom!" I exclaimed as Blaze pulled herself away from me.

Blaze suddenly turned and squeezed her hands into fists as the ruby ring glowed red and faced me with red eyes.

"I'm fine," Blaze said.

"Mom," I questioned.

She suddenly started fighting against me and pushed me hard to the shelves.

"Mom, what are you doing," I asked in pain as she started charging me.

Lloyd came back with the gauntlet and was shocked to see me fighting against Blaze.

"Honey, what's going on," Lloyd asked.

"I don't know!" I exclaimed as I immediately dodged Blaze's attacks.

Lloyd immediately went over to where the others were and alerted Silver that Blaze is attacking me. Silver went over to where me and Blaze are and was shocked to see us fighting.

"What's going on," Silver exclaimed.

"I don't know! She passed out and the next thing I know, her eyes are red and started fighting me," I exclaimed.

Lloyd notices the ruby ring that was on Blaze's ring finger and it was glowing red.

"Y/n, it's the ruby ring! That's what's controlling her," Lloyd yelled.

"Dad, help me," I yelled.

Silver ran over to me and used his psychokinesis to stop Blaze from attacking me. I ran over to Blaze, removed the ring, and crushed the ruby ring with my shoe. Blaze comes back to her normal self and suddenly collapses into Silver's arms.

"Mom," I exclaimed.

"She's okay. Now the ring is now into pieces, it severed its connection with her," Silver replied as he carried Blaze in his arms.

"Everything's okay over there," Sonic yelled out.

"Everything's fine. Lloyd gunned down the foot clan soldiers," I yelled back.

"Did Sydney did the 14-30?" Lloyd asked.

"Oh yeah, she did. Don't worry, I recorded everything on my device, so that we can watch it," Tails replied."Okay, let's go back. I had enough of the foot clan for one day," I said.

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