Part idk

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Stuff every single comment is Percy and Rachel 😂

After this whole giving my number out thing. It turns out he put it in a website that spam's ex"s numbers to get back at them and he put it there and he finally deleted it and now we're gonna have a sit down conversation with pastor Tim. Apparently Ethan's been keeping a note of stuff he either thinks I said or I did say it stuff Breanna says and a lot of the time it's genuinely not me saying that crap but I think it's easier for him to say it is but dude keeping a note is wild 🤣 I mean that's kinda what I do but I don't write down dates and the stuff he says 💀 that's just weird but I'm gonna apologize I'm sure he'll apologize and it'll be done and over with. I don't want him in my life in anyway I just wanna be happy with Matthew :) but we'll see how it goes 😂

Kendra after being so in love with her navy boyfriend we even added it to the jr sr skit and Isaiah broke up with her

We were doing an assignment in personal finance and Breanna put her book down in front of me before leaving to the bathroom and I had a question for Mr. Stanbaugh and he walked over and looked at the book and went "oh that looks spicy" and I laughed and said it wasn't mine and then Breanna came back and I told her what happened she went "oh uh haha it's not... eheheh" it definitely was  The DSMP causally making sick audios especially Wilbur 😭🥺 I miss them

Not even going to lie my first day of work was so fun. I got to work in cold kitchen at Dairy Queen and the guy that was like kind of guiding me was super cute and I only found out in the end that he was gay and I mean, I guess I could kind of see why or see How but kind of came as a shock and then another employee was joking about him dating her gay furry brother and now I'm just kind of confused but low-key kind of funny THIS MADE ME CRY I MISS THEM SO MUCH OMGGG

Ezzy and I went to see a movie and we got snacks at the dollar store and such and then we snuck into another movie once our movie was done just to see if that would work

Ezzy came over and we both totally forgot it was April fools and Vivian sent a text to ezzy saying her ex texted her and then ezzy called and she was like yeah we're back together and then she went lol it's April fools

I love got me beast befriended the guy that lost 1.5 million dollars total and now he's practically part of the crew

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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