Seoul, South Korea

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My first love is everything at the same time. It is the sort of thing that you won't ever fall back from. It is an affection so amazing and solid that it won't ever bite the dust, it won't ever blur, and it won't ever lose its radiance.

A first love will assist one with growing up, and the last love is the thing that finishes the individual.

Your first and genuine romance won't ever die or be forgotten.
Your first love is one you will always remember and one that will clearly blow your mind. It resembles the first occasion when we met.

First love is the first occasion when you will become hopelessly enamored. It will change your life perpetually regardless of the amount you attempt. The inclination won't ever disappear.

It will take a very long time to fail to remember your first love, the individual who has had a major effect on your life.

05/07/2004. It's the date I was born and it's my 18th birthday.
One of the big days of my life, my birthday, and the day of my first heartbreak.

I can still remember what she said on my 18th birthday. She didn't bother to greet me.

"Let's break up..."

"I never love you because you are too boring."

"I love someone else."

"Let's not see each other again."

I never shed a tear when she broke up with me. I fully accepted her decision and calmly and nicely responded to her, which made her slightly surprised and confused.

"Have fun with him then."

"Let's not cross each other's paths again."

"Nice to meet you, stranger..."

After our break up, I didn't see her anymore because some of her close classmates said that she left the country. She didn't wait for the graduation anymore, she just left.

I went back to Japan after our graduation to erase and move on from her. At first, it was pretty hard, but I managed to forget my feelings for her.

It's already been 3 years after that incident, and i think i'm enough to forget my feelings for her.


After a long three years, I went back to Seoul, South Korea. I went out of Incheon Airport and I hailed a cab. I put all my luggage in the compartment.

The driver started driving. I just looked outside the window. A lot of things changed. The buildings here became so modern-looking.

I took a couple of photos and I sent them to my parents. They are staying in Japan because of our family business, which is five-star hotels, restaurants, and one hospital.

I returned to South Korea because of my annoying cousin, who has been bugging me to attend the same school as her since then.

I'm transferring to the same school as she, which is PM University. I'm in my 4th year of college and I'm taking Law as a course. It's a pretty hard course, but I know I can do it.

"We are here." The driver informed me and I paid him using my card. He helped me to bring out all my luggage, and I thank him.

He bid his goodbye, and he drove away.

I will be living alone in our family house here in Seoul. It is too big for me. My parents didn't let me live in a small apartment, condo, or even a penthouse.


It's safe here since it has a fence around it. I guess I should invite my cousin to sleep here sometimes.

I carried all my luggage inside. It's clean here since Mom hired a house caretaker when we are away.

I started unpacking while listening to the song titled Seoul by
BTS RM. It's a good song.

I need to go to a supermarket to buy some groceries or else I will starve. I think I should purchase a bike too since I can use it as my service.

I change my outfit into a new pair of clothes, and I grab my wallet and phone. I locked the doors and gate before I walked to the supermarket.

I plug my airpods in and listen to some songs from my playlist while walking. It is kind of boring to walk alone because I don't have anyone to talk to.


I'm pushing the cart and only getting what I think I'll need.

I bought a lot of ramyun, chips, candies, choco milk, and some different varieties of snacks.

I bought a lot of unhealthy foods rather than healthy ones. The life of being alone in the house No one is going to scold me if I eat a lot of unhealthy foods.

I immediately went to the cashier when my cart was already full.
I think I already bought everything I needed and will need.

I felt this lady in the cashier keep glancing at me that made me anxious, I use the camera of my phone to see if I have something on my face. She chuckled when she noticed my reaction.

"You are just too pretty handsome." She said this in a flirty tone, and she even winked at me. "Here."

She finished packing my groceries and she gave me the receipt with her number on it.

"Thanks, but I don't need it." I politely returned the receipt and quickly carried my groceries.

I can't believe she have that confidence to flirt with her customer, she will get fired if she continue doing that.

I shook my head in disbelief and went back to my house.


I chose to stay in my old room rather than stay in the master bedroom. I slumped my body on the bed, and I brought out my phone to check if I had notifications or messages.

I received one from my annoying cousin. She asks me if I'm going to attend PM University tomorrow. If I don't attend tomorrow, she is going to bug me about it so I think I will.

After I replied to her message, I closed my eyes so I could fall asleep since tomorrow will be my first day of class and I need to go there early in the morning.


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