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Bailey's POV

After Explaining to Aph why I hadn't told her FC(Aaron) went to our school, she asked if Laurence knew. "He does" I replied with my head down. She nodded and asked if she and Aaron could have alone time. I nodded and walked out of the music room. Lunch was about to end so I started walking to werewolf class. While I was walking to werewolf class, I was stopped by Laurence. "Hey Bailey! Wanna hang out after school? I need someone to talk to." "Ok" I responded and started walking again. 

I was almost to class when a guy with black hair and blue eyes grabbed my wrist and started dragging me down the hallway. "WHAT IN IRENE'S NAME DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" I screamed and pulled away from him. He looked at me and looked embarrassed but then smirked. "Sorry I thought you were someone else, but you'll do". He smirked and grabbed my wrist again despite my protest. Then I heard Laurence's voice. He sounded mad. "Gene let go of her now!" I've never heard him this mad. Gene smirked and let go of my wrist. "Don't try to act innocent, Laurence. Once a shadow knight, always a shadow knight. I heard from Sasha that you are dating her". Me and Laurence's eyes got big. I knew I would regret telling those fan girls I was dating him. "Leave Gene" Laurence growled. Gene smirked and walked around the corner. I thanked Laurence and walked into werewolf class.

I saw Aaron and Aph sitting together. Squeal! OMI Kawaii~Chan has been rubbing off on me. I decided to sit beside the cinnamon roll whose name I had learned was Daniel. I had became friends with him and his friends, Dottie and Rylan. Daniel asked why I wasn't sitting with the female alpha. WHAT! Aaron made her the female alpha. OMI does he not understand that she is going to be furious if  she finds out. "Aphmau is the female alpha?" I asked. "Yep. I thought since you are is sister you would know". I palmed my head and pulled my phone out to text Aaron.

B=Bailey A=Aaron


A= Who told you? I was trying to not let you find out since you were friends with her. I made her alpha before I knew she was Shu.

I palmed my face at my brother's stupidity. Why is he so dumb. He should have asked her if she wanted to be the female alpha.

B= Are you going to tell her?

A= No. She'll kill me. 

This isn't going to go well. 

B= You need to tell her. She is definitely going to kill you if you don't tell her. If she finds out........

A=I'm going to make sure she doesn't.

I put my phone away since me convincing Aaron to tell Aph wasn't going anywhere. The bell rang and I went and told Aaron I was hanging out with Laurence. Aph was standing beside him and asked "Can you figure out why him and Garroth are mad at me?". She looked like she was about to cry. "Of course" I said smiling. I walked to the fountain and waited for Laurence.

When Laurence arrived he asked what I wanted to do. I shrugged and asked him what he wanted to do. He decided he wanted to go get pizza. He offered to buy me pizza and I of course agreed. I mean come on free pizza, yes please. As we walked to the pizza place we talked about school and our game. When I mentioned Shu, he asked if I wouldn't talk about her. I asked why and he said she broke his heart. "You liked her?" "Yeah" Don't cry. Don't cry. Please don't cry. "Well there are plenty of other people" I said trying to make him feel better. He smiled and I blushed slightly. We arrived at the pizza place called Phoenix Drop Pizza. We ordered a large meat lovers pizza to share and walked to the park. We sat on a bench and started eating the pizza. We reached for a piece at the same time and our hands touched. We both blushed and apologized to each other. His hand is so soft. Squeal. I gotta stop hanging around Kawaii~Chan if she is going to influence me this much. Lol  We finished the pizza and we walked around and looked at different shops. We walked into a shop called "I Go Tokyo". It had the cutest things. I saw a adorable Hello Kitty plush and he offered to buy it for me since I left my wallet at home. He walked me to my house and said "Thanks Bailey. I had fun today".

 After he left I went to Mellissa's room and showed her the Hello Kitty that Laurence bought me. She squealed and asked "Is he your boyfriend". I wish "No, Mellissa, he is just a friend" I said blushing. She smiled and did her stupid laugh. "I'm telling Aaron". I looked up and grabbed her hand before she could leave. "Please Mellissa don't. He is Aaron's friend to". She looked at me with a sad look and grumbled "Fine". I thanked her and walked out of the room. I gotta find her someone else to fangirl over. AARON AND APH. I started laughing evilly and Aaron walked into my room and gave me a look. I smirked and said "I think I just found out how to get Mellissa off my back". He looked at me with a curious look. "I'm gonna tell her about you and Aph". He looked like he was going to kill me. His eyes turned red and he said in a kinda terrifying voice "Don't you dare".  "Fine" I grumbled "Please help get her off my back". He agreed and walked out. I decided to go to sleep. I changed in my pajamas and held the Hello Kitty plush close to my chest. I smiled at it and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and showered. After I got out of the shower I heard a commotion downstairs. I walked downstairs to see Derek standing in the kitchen getting yelled at by Mom, Mellissa, and Aaron. He looked ashamed of what he had done. He saw me and started apologizing explaining that "I couldn't stand seeing my son deal with the curse. I thought he didn't deserve it, which he doesn't but neither did you. I made you hide who you were for Aaron. I'm sorry Bailey, please forgive me." I choose to forgive him. I don't want his family to suffer anymore. Me and Aaron decided to walk to school today since the weather was nice. We ran into Aphmau on the way to school and decided to walk with her. Aph still is struggling to believe that Aaron is FC. They are at least getting along. Aaron needs to tell her because she is going to find out. Aaron and her were talking and I was kinda zoned out walking behind them.

Someone grabbed my shoulder and I turned and slapped them in the face. LAURENCE!  With my luck it was Laurence. "Oh my Irene Laurence, I'm so sorry" I said embarrassed that I had just slapped my crush in my face. "It's fine. I should have known not to sneak up behind you; you scare easy" he said laughing. Thankfully he was ok despite the red hand print on his hand. 

Time skip to one week before the prom(Because Author~Chan doesn't know what else to write)

Me, Laurence, Aaron, and Aph sat at the end of our friend group's table talking about the dungeon we had done the night before. "You guys gotta stop running into fights. Me and Bailey keep having to heal you" Aph said laughing. Katelyn asked who all was going to prom. We all shrugged and she started going on about her and Jeffory. She sounded really excited. I was still sad I couldn't go since I was a freshman. Laurence and Garroth told us they were going since they were helping their teacher. Maybe that means Laurence will ask me. Wait no he's going to probably ask Aph. He likes her. I frowned and Laurence noticed. "You okay Bailey?" I looked up and nodded. "Yeah I'm good. Just tired from the dungeon last night." He seemed ok with that answer and turned back to the conversation. 

On the way the werewolf class, Aaron and Aph got into a fight about prom. Poor guy, I know he wants her to go with him. Aph sat beside me today since she is mad at Aaron.  She just slept like normal. I've been paying attention lately since I don't have the curse of the Ultima anymore.  She is going to fail if she keeps sleeping in class. I looked over to Aaron and he looked depressed. I decided to text him hoping Mr. Gavin wouldn't notice.

A=Aaron B=Bailey

B= U ok?

A= No. I wanted to ask her to prom. D8

B= I figured that you were going to ask her. Maybe she will change her mind. 

A=Maybe D8

B=I'm gonna put my phone away before Mr. Gavin notices


I put my phone away and began paying attention again. It was a lesson on the legend of the Ultima. Aaron looked a little nervous. When the day ended me and Aaron began walking home when Laurence stopped me. "Hey Bailey! Wanna hang out?" I looked at Aaron and he nodded. Me and Laurence decided to go to his house to play on his Xbox. When we got there a girl with orange ombré hair was sitting on the porch. She looked up and smirked. "So you're the girl Laurence keeps talking about." Laurence has been talking about me? SQUEAAAALL!  Laurence  blushed. I laughed and punched Laurence in the shoulder. "So you've been talking about me". Laurence tried answering but the girl interrupted "Everyday" she replied smirking even more. "Cadenza!" Laurence yelled embarrassed. 


Sorry to leave Y'all on a cliff hanger but I need to stop writing for the day! :3

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