(1) Kagami Taiga is NOT Allowed To Drink

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by absolutpiphi http://archiveofourown.org/works/4401815

Kagami Taiga x Generation of Miracles

Crack - Fluff - Underage Drinking

Summary :
Kagami Taiga is a simple minded basketball lover. On the outside that's all he is. He shows 180 degree personality changes at one certain New Year's Party when he gets drunk and passes through 5 stages.

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Stage 1, Intro

There are certain reasons why everyone, who attended last New Year's party, prevents Kagami Taiga from drinking ever again with all their might. After that traumatizing experience at the party, people are still trying to erase the memories from their minds which have most likely burned there forever.

The oblivious Kagami is not happy about the attempts. He realizes others' efforts for keeping him sober but he doesn't understand why. Why are they being bunch of assholes? How is anyone able to survive bearing such noise nuisance with a clear mind through all night? So he demands reasons whenever he comes across with a physical obstacle in the form of a human body, blocking his way to the alcohol stand.

But he only gets a stiffed looking friend who pales first, then blushes and then pales several shades again, and starts chuckling nervously while shaking his head implying a universal "no". Of course, Kagami is not satisfied with it and shows it with his scowl on his ever frowning face. But he still can't get any logical answers from them and he is made to leave the issue there.

'If he just knew...' muses the faceless, random friend. Really though, why don't they just tell him everything and retire from this rather tiring mission already? Oh, right. They don't want their dear friend to be embarrassed for the rest of his life. He probably won't believe them anyway, claiming it all lies, accusing them being pricks... Maybe they should let Kagami get drunk and record everything as a proof to show him afterwards. Really, that would shut him up for good!

The friend feels a cold shiver running down his spine thinking of a drunken redheaded basketball junky. No, best to leave everything as it is. It isn't worth it. Why indeed though? Why does everyone try so hard? Well, the answer is easy. It is scarring for human souls otherwise.

There are 5 stages to drunkenness of Kagami Taiga. Each of them shows a different and mostly unimaginable side of him. Even though the first four stages are amendable, the fifth one is the cause of a definite trauma. Even the shrewd minds cannot bear with such a sight.
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TIME : 21:23 / 12.31.20XX
LOCATION : Tokyo/Japan
Residence of Kagami Taiga

Stage 1-The Maji Tenshi

After four tequila shots and drinking a beer in one gulp, Kagami Taiga becomes tipsy. Tipsy Ace's character does not change much at first but his expression gets softer, ever existed frown is erased instantly from his masculine face, making him look more handsome and less intimidating.

Slowly but surely, the character changes begin too. After the facial alteration, his quick temper reduces. Accidentally spilling sour cherry juiced vodka on Kagami's new expensive beige shirt doesn't wake up his rage. A quick apology from a swaying Furihata, who has reddened cheeks by now, is enough to forgive. But the redhead can't look like a softie, no; he has an image to protect as a wild tiger. He accepts the apology with a court nod while trying to look annoyed. Probably thinks the natural frown of his does the job for him - not realizing the sloppy smile planted on his face.

Drunk Furihata has enough control over his brain functions to be surprised by a rare view. Because even though the smile is getting looser and looser as the time passes, and making the redhead look goofy, it is still a smile. Noticing the brunette's slightly widened eyes, Kagami thinks he's accomplished the mission of intimidation. Happily continuing to sip his second beer, redheaded Ace leaves an even more shocked Furihata behind while smirking triumphantly. At least, he thinks he smirks but what is seen is a bigger, more sincere and
warm smile which melts some poor hearts mercilessly.

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