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(Tw: slight starving) Cole pov:
He'd noticed Jay's been distant, constantly in his room when he can be, not interacting with anyone else unless he had to. "Hey Jay!" He yelled to Jay, he stopped abruptly and turned around, smiling "Yeah?" He asked confused "Wanna play some video games with me and Kai later? We're gonna try and beat the high score!" He told Jay forcing himself not to sound worried for him, Jay laughed "You mean my high score?" Jay asked him amused  "Yep" He replied trying to seem confident when this was really just to try and help Jay "Oh it's on!" Jay retorted as he started to walk back to his room..again.

The game had been played as normal, Jay wasn't acting weird at all. Jay didn't seem sad which was good unless of course he was faking it, he did have his show era he definitely knew how to act. Eventually Jay got "tired" and headed back to his room, though he knew Jay wasn't going to sleep, he could hear his pacing around and restlessness in his bed at night. Jay was definitely avoiding them and he wanted to know why, not even that he just wanted to help Jay, in any way he can.
.  .  .
Zane was cooking dinner as everyone was waiting to eat...everyone except for Jay. "One second, I'll be right back" Cole told the others attempting to hide his worry as he walked away. He walked over to Jays room and knocked on the door, "Come in!" He heard Jay yell from the other side, he opened the door and stepped into Jays room. "Hey Zane's almost done making dinner, you gonna come out soon?" He asked Jay, "Oh-, no I'm not hungry" Jay replied seemingly normal "But Jay- you've only eaten breakfast are you sure? I can save you some if you wan-" Jay had cut Cole off before he could finish "Nope I'm good, I'll eat tomorrow!" Jay said weirdly happy, "alright if you say so.." he said giving Jay a worried glance before walking out of his room, closing the door behind him and walking back over to the others.
.  .  .
"Jay you said you'd eat today" he told Jay "Cole I told you I grabbed some food already, the rest of you were just doing something else" Jay retorted, "Just- eat something in front of me at least" he practically begged Jay to "I'm still full from the food, I'll eat later!" Jay promised as he sighed, defeated "Fine, but I better see you eat soon" he warned as he left Jay alone in the room.
.  .  .
He had tried countless other times to get Jay to either spend time with the team or eat food in front of him, it had grown progressively harder the more he tried and most of the time now he couldn't get Jay to do either. So why not do both at once? He walked up to Jay, who was surprisingly not in his room and in the living room instead, just sitting on the couch doing nothing.

"Hey Jay" he said to get Jays attention, Jay looked up at him and tilted his head slightly, as if to say to continue. So he did "Me and all the others are going to Chens noodle house, you coming?" He asked Jay though it wasn't really a question, he knew Jay would have to say yes considering the whole team was coming, so saying no would arouse a whole bunch of questions from the whole team and not just him. "Oh uhm-.." Jay thought for a couple seconds though he already knew what his answer would be, "Yeah sure!" Jay said seemingly excited, "Alright, we're heading there at 6pm (18:00)" he stated happily "Ok, see you there" Jay said and he walked out of the room, leaving Jay alone once again.
.  .  .
Authors note:
Yes I know this is a short chapter, but I just wanted to give you a glimpse of Cole's view and I had originally thought is was just going to be Jay and Nya's pov- lol

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