Chapter 11

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Time flies by quickly, especially when you're busy with something interesting. The cold season has arrived in England, and the main winter holidays are on the horizon: Christmas and New Year's. True, Christmas is celebrated more here, in my past world it was the other way around.

I love winter. Snow lying outside the windows, the crackling of the fireplace, and me sitting in meditation in front of it. Yes, yes! I started walking a week ago! And they even let me move around the whole room! Yes, it's early! Yes, it's a bit of a risk! But, in my opinion, magic and logic are incompatible things. My parents were a little surprised, well, and attributed it to magic and the fact that they have a strong wizard growing up. Not without that, of course, but it's unlikely that it happened without my training.

Learning to walk again was not easy. My legs, arms, and other muscles that I didn't even know existed in my past life ached like hell. And how many bruises there were...

What do arms and bruises have to do with it? It's simple. I couldn't just get up and walk right away. First I had to crawl on all fours like any other normal child. Although the hardest part was actually lifting my head and keeping my back and head straight in a sitting position. I managed that when my strength stat went up to one. Walking came when my agility reached the same number.

But I fell often and painfully even after that. This body felt pain very acutely. In my past life, I could walk calmly with a sprain or dislocation, but here a simple bruise knocked the wind out of me and brought tears to my eyes. It was unpleasant and embarrassing, but I cried. Men don't cry? Well, yes, but they forgot to tell my body that it's not a child, but a grown man. And I didn't really hold back. It would be strange if a child didn't cry even when hurt.

It was pain that prompted me to master healing magic, or mana conversion to prana, to be more precise. Even in my past life, I noticed that if you put your hands on a sore spot, they start to warm up, and the pain starts to recede. Not just pain, I treated my asthma that way. In the morning, when wheezing started in my bronchi, I would put my hands on my chest, and after ten minutes the spasms would pass, my hands would start to pull, and I could continue to sleep peacefully. Here, this trick worked too! Mana began to slowly decrease, and prana to recover! The system also reacted to this action and rewarded me with the skill of mana conversion to prana and an increase in energy control by one rank!

Of course, I didn't stop there, unconscious mana conversion to prana didn't satisfy me, and I started trying to do it consciously using aura vision in meditation. And... As always - nothing. During meditation, the conversion, the bastard, didn't happen! And the losses in mana were 10 to 1, well, and the pain from the blows (to fill prana, you first need to spend it, and it's spent on restoring the body, in our case - healing bruises) didn't really encourage experiments in this direction. By the way, to lower prana by one division, one bruise isn't enough, you need more, ten bruises for sure.

But I started putting my hands on my chest in the evenings and mornings. The warmth from them came even if there were no bruises, and the mana expenditure in such cases was minimal and was covered by recovery.

Why did I do this if I needed mana for other training? Well, firstly, it's pleasant, and secondly, immediately after such a "warming" session, going into meditation, I noticed a small background of prana around my body. I hope this will help the development of the prana channel system, and strengthen the body a little. True, I can't hold my hands like that for long. Five minutes, no more, otherwise they get numb and stiff.

With access to movement around the room, I finally had the opportunity to meditate on fire and earth. On the fireplace and floor, respectively. Air is still in the lead, but both fire and earth have started to gain their first tenths of a percent... It's not much, but the worst part is that I don't know what to do with water affinity. There are no sources of running water in the house... And none are foreseen. I've tried meditating on a cup of water. Mana is drawn from it in about twenty minutes and that's it, there's little point in meditating on a glass anymore. I think the same problem will await me at the Dursleys'. No, I could certainly open the tap in the bathroom and meditate on the stream of water from it, but how quickly will Vernon connect me and the huge water bills? I don't think I'll even have time to say "Quidditch." And I need to keep my affinities at a relatively equal level, otherwise problems might start. Trouble.

Well, enough about the sad stuff! It's a holiday, after all! And a holiday means a Christmas tree and presents under it. Or in socks by the fireplace, as it is here. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that yesterday I saw one oblong box in beautiful colorful wrapping paper and with a bow. Just don't jinx it! I want to flyyyyy! God, how tired I am of stairs, who would have known. What do stairs have to do with it? For an adult, stairs are just stairs, but for a one-year-old child, they're Mount Everest and Angel Falls in one bottle, depending on where you are, above the stairs or below. In short, I hope for a broom with every fiber of my soul!

Well, what can I say? I am a bit of a Vanga after all. They did give me a broom. Only they didn't let me fly, the bastards. I'm still too young. Nothing. Another couple of months and my first words will be "Broom here, quickly"! Why give a child a broom if you don't let them fly on it? No, I did manage to hold it, even felt the mana drain into this artifact. And not a small drain, I tell you. How did Potter fly on it for hours? Or is it just at first, until the accumulator in the broom fills up? And then it'll be easier?

Besides gifts, guests also showed up for the holiday. Not in the morning, though, but in the evening. For the feast. All the same people in Hollywood. I wonder if my parents are friends with anyone besides the Marauders? It seems not, because besides them and Dumbledore, and then only once, I haven't seen anyone else. That's it, no one else! No Weasleys, no Moody, no McGonagall! No one. I wonder if it's because of the Fidelius Charm or just that the Marauders were a pain in the ass to everyone else back at Hogwarts? Or do they not trust the members of the Order of the Phoenix? Well, poor Lily, who did she get involved with?

Okay, holiday, feast, bastards! Why take a child to the table?! No, my mother's milk is delicious, and they're already starting to give me formula... But... But why show a child a gorgeous table with delicacies if I can't eat anything from it!? It's pure torture! The main thing is that I can't even cry to show my indignation, because it's interesting to listen to what they're talking about.

And they were talking about sad things at the table. They're looking for us. And actively, with dogs. A couple of my parents' acquaintances have already been killed. Well, not killed, officially they just disappeared, but I, and everyone at the table, understood that they most likely wouldn't be found alive. Well, and if the opposite turns out to be true, it's better not to mess with them. The Imperius Curse is the Imperius Curse.

We need to get out of the country, and these idealists are making grand plans for the beaver's victory over the donkey. Eh, idealist maximalists, damn it. Although, I'm not sure even that will help. What's to stop them from finding us abroad? Magic is such a thing... It should have been done earlier, before the child was born. Maybe Voldemort wouldn't have known when my birthday was, and I wouldn't have been interesting to him. How many people are born in the world every day? You can't just cut them all down by running around the world like a headless chicken... And now this hound has picked up the scent. These same, not very smart people, who clearly mistakenly call themselves the parents of this mortal body, are discussing how to pull this tiger's whiskers.

And Lily is eager to fight, the silly little girl. Where to? You're feeding a child! Who's going to take care of me if you catch an Avada Kedavra? No, definitely the first words of this body will be swear words, dirty, harsh swear words! In German! So that everyone understands the gravity of being! With these thoughts, I lost track of my body, and it, take it and start to whimper. Tears flowed down my cheeks by themselves.

Well, that's the end of my presence at the family elders' council, mistakenly called a festive feast. They carried me to my crib. I had no desire or strength to do anything anymore, and I fell asleep.

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