Chapter 5

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Well, the first month in this house is starting off busy. So what if I can't even lift my head properly from the pillow? This doesn't stop a real transmigrator from finding adventures on his fifth point! Well, or rather, they found me in the face of the restless four Marauders.

This trio showed up the next day. Why a trio? Well, James, aka Prongs, aka Moose, aka the father of this body, was already in the house holding me in his arms. It would have been better if he had given me to my mother, maybe she wouldn't have let them bully me like that. These bad people decided it was fun and enjoyable to tickle, spin, pinch my cheeks and, most importantly, toss me in the air! It wouldn't have been so bad if it was just one person doing it and not for too long, just for the sake of decency... These people, one after another, passed me around like some kind of baton and tormented me for half an hour each! I got really seasick and almost threw up! And finally, Black, this flea dog, almost dropped me! So what if he tripped? Now I know exactly who Nymphadora gets her clumsiness from! It runs in the family! No wonder that oaf ended up in the Death Arch at the end of his life... I almost lost my soul! And so did they, almost lost it when I had an outburst!

They really got what they deserved. Wormtail, who was also known as Peter Pettigrew, the short, plump boy with blue eyes and brown hair, had his nose broken. Incidentally, yes, he did look a bit like a rat even when he was young.

After all, they weren't very clever boys, and they messed up the Animagus ritual. Pettigrew certainly did.

Moony, also known as Remus Lupin, a skinny, blue-eyed boy with light brown hair and slightly elongated fangs, was almost unharmed. The snake managed to escape the villain. Animal instincts are evident. Never mind, you will change my diapers, and I will get revenge on you.

The Marauder, also known as Sirius Black, a skinny boy with gray eyes, black hair, and a straight posture like a match, had broken ribs, an arm, and a leg. By the way, this representative of the aristocracy, unlike in the movie, did not have a mustache. Well, at twenty, they would not have suited him very well, probably. By the way, my father got off with a slight fright because he was standing farthest away, well, maybe he had a couple of cracked ribs, I'm not an X-ray, I can't tell right away.

The fireplace and half of the living room wall also got it. How these idiots got off with only minor injuries and didn't play in a box, I don't understand. Apparently, wizards are protected by their magical component of the soul, or maybe it played a role that three of them were animagi, and the fourth was a werewolf. Strong guys, now I understand how they survived in magical brawls.

But the main thing is that these idiots, as soon as they recovered, immediately began to laugh. Laugh with broken ribs, damn it! And the main thing is that they are happy like children! And most importantly, mom, as she ran in and realized that everything was fine with me, she also began to giggle. No, I understand, joy in the house, I turned out to be a wizard, and also potentially strong, Neville, according to the book, only sprang up on impact, but I almost smashed half of the house, but I could have at least yelled at the troublemakers. Although, I think, idiots, that scream or don't scream, everything is like peas against a wall. Eh, I'll have to take revenge into my own hands! I will hit accurately! No one will leave dry!

Picking me up in her arms, Lily carried me to the crib, put me down, took out her wand from somewhere, and quickly cast a couple of spells, apparently diagnostic ones, and ran to heal the blockheads. I  started looking at the messages from the system that had arrived.


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