White Manor - April 13th

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Lily Parker and her friend, Diana Sparks, were exploring an abandoned manor. The halls were empty and quiet, except for the faint sound of their footsteps echoing off the walls. Suddenly, they heard a hushed snarl that sent shivers down their spines. Lily looked around alarmed while Diana shined her flashlight around the area towards three rooms around them: the dining hall, the ballroom and the master bedroom. They both tried to calm down, but their hearts were racing with fear.

Just when they thought it couldn't get any worse, they heard a loud boom that sounded like a gunshot, followed by ear-piercing screams. The sound was so intense that it was painful to listen to. They also heard laughter, which made them back up slowly, looking mortified. As they tried to gather their wits, they heard footsteps heading their way. They knew they had to act fast.

Without wasting any time, they sprinted across the large ballroom towards the main entrance, screaming when they saw a figure resembling a man following them. Their hearts were pounding, and they felt like they were running for their lives.

As they finally made it outside, they took a moment to catch their breath and compose themselves. They were both shaken and terrified, and they couldn't believe what they had just experienced.

Now, you might be wondering how they ended up in this situation. It all started when they stumbled upon a mysterious book that contained a passage that led them to the abandoned manor,

' Whites Manor is an abandoned manor located in Wiltshire, England, which was constructed in the 1800s. The manor was home to the descendants of the White family, who were known to be one of the most noble families during the Middle Ages. Originally from France, the White family established themselves in England in 1809.

The grounds of the manor were once a graveyard for forgotten soldiers and warriors of the past, who were said to have died a terrible death or to have been buried alive along with the actual dead. Many people have reported seeing shadowy figures in the windows, hearing the whimpering of a male child, and experiencing waves of emotions while passing by the manor.

According to reports, the first generation of the White family haunts the manor along with the last lady and lord of the last generation. As the family was left with no scion, the last member died at the age of 17 in a tragic accident in 1959. Since then, the property has faced a string of tragic events, and people who were willing to buy the property were either killed, died or faced impossibly bad luck once they entered the property.

In 1980, the Walker family purchased the manor, but they faced several unfortunate events after they moved in. Clara Walker, the mother, became very sick the day after they moved and had to be hospitalized for quite some time. The father, Michael, was fired from his job at a big firm the same week. The family also faced several financial issues, and their son, James, who was 15 at the time, was found beaten up and left near a tree not far from the manor at the end of the same month they moved in. James later recovered, but he couldn't remember anything except that he was making his way back from school when he felt a headache and then, nothing.

This was the last time anyone has inhabited the manor, but pedestrians walking by still report seeing figures or hearing noises around the area. Despite its history, White Manor remains a place of intrigue and fascination for many people who are drawn to its haunted and mysterious past. ' 

Short Stories I wrote for fun |April|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora