"Just shutup and c'mon." He pulled your arm once again causing you to stumble into him.

Your cheeks tinted pink and you turned away crossing your arms with your cheeks puffed out. Another boom of thunder rang out causing you to grip Rin's shirt almost tearing it off.

"Damn (Name), your about to tear my shirt off." He laughed under his breath and made you release your grip and he took your hand in his. You didn't even realize he was holding your hand since you were too focused on 'surviving' the storm. 

"Hey instead of jumping and flipping your shit every time there's thunder, just squeeze my hand." He said raising up ya'lls intertwined hands.

"Mhm sure." You quickly responded still eyeing the dark clouds. Once again thunder and lightning collaborated, and boy did you squeeze the fuck out of that boy's hand.

"Shit! (Name) releaaaaaseee! Releaaaasee!" Rin begged.

"Huh? oh..." You then loosened your grip on his hand and turned to him. "The squeezing actually helped!"

"Well do you have to grip it like you are about to die like damn woman!" He rubbed his hand which was still sore and red almost.

(Name) rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand and lifted it up to her lips, kissing it.

"There is it all better now? Now shutup and be a man!" You said not even noticing Rin's flustered face.

"Y-yea... it's fine now..." He said a little surprised by her nonchalant attitude towards her action.

"Good now take me home already so I can go to bed and sleep through this hellish storm." You stuffed your hands into your pockets and continued walking alongside Rin, sharing his umbrella.

He smiled at her and shook his head. 

"Don't worry shark boy's here to protect you from death by storm." He said in a mocking tone. You just nudged him in return.

Soon you reached your house and got under your porch.

"Heck yeeees!! We conquered the vile storm! Wooop Wooooop!" You both stepped inside your house for you felt proud for walking through that storm as you did. You looked at the time and saw that it was almost midnight.

"Hey Rin since it's a Friday and all do you wanna just stay here for the night?"

Rin's face heated up and his heart got a bit fast.

"Uhhh me? stay the night here? with you? alone? in this house?"

"No dipshit I was saying for you to go stay the night with my grandma in her mansion. Duh what part of 'do you wanna just stay here for the night' did you not understand?" 

"Tch..." He turned his head away his cheeks slightly pink.

"C'mooon Rin it'll be like the sleepovers we had when we were younger!" You said chuckling.

"Man she's clueless...." Rin thought as he turned to her. "F-Fine..." He stated. She smiled widely and went upstairs. She came back down with some pajamas from her big brother's closet. (Name) chunked the clothes into his face.

"K well go get dressed shark boy." She smirked as she ran back upstairs to go change into her pajamas herself.

Rin was now a complete flustered mess. 

"Dammit (Name) why you gotta do dis to meeeh." He said in his mind trying to calm himself down.

(Name) returned with her average pajamas. Oversized t-shirt and shorts. Rin noticed that the shirt looked familiar though.

"Uh (Name) isn't that my shirt?"

"WHAT? PFFFFF NOOOOOOOooooo why would I-- yea it's your shirt. I stole it from you the day you pushed me into the pool and I had my school uniform on." (Name) plopped down onto her couch and turned the tv on.

Rin smirked and sat next to her.

"I have this feeling you wore it on purpose huh?"

"No..... I just randomly grabbed it....." She hesitated.

"Mhm suuuuuure." He said snickering and turned his eyes torward the tv.

Suddenly the room got quiet.

"Rin." (Name) said breaking the silence.


"You know how everyone is getting summer jobs this summer?"


"I got one." She said grinning devilishly again.

Rin cocked his eyebrow and gave her his full attention.

"What is it?"

"It's a secret." She said humming to herself as if she was mocking him.

"Well whatever I'll find out sooner or later." He yawned and continued watching tv. 

A couple of minutes later he looked on his shoulder to find a peaceful, sleeping (Name). She looked so innocent and defenseless when she slept. In other words she looked like the complete opposite of herself. Rin looked her up and down until his eyes stopped at her lips. He quickly turned away getting flustered yet again.

"Why the hell do I keep getting like this! I've never done this around other girls!" He thought and he glanced back at (Name's) lips. (Name) shifted in her sleep causing her to lean on Rin making her face fairly close to his. Rin was beginning to sweat and his heart pounded a bit faster. 

He again looked at her lips. Rin's eyes softened as he inched closer towards her face. Part of him was screaming 'no' but the other was like 'oh hell freakin' yes'. He inched closer and closer until his lips met hers. Her lips were so soft and gave him a rush of want. He pulled back quickly and saw how it didn't even make her budge, she was still sleeping deeply. 

Rin was still blushing madly and once again looked at her before going to sleep.

"I swear, next time I kiss you, it will be real." He said in his mind before falling asleep.


Well Rin's going pretty fast eh? Another longish chapter yaaaay. I'm literally just going with the flow here. The plot though was planned but the stuff im just like "mk just type." so yea enjoy this thingy along with your rin kiss weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I'll update sooooon.

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