Silver Rings

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You found time to sleep during the night, wanting to forget your interaction with Draco Malfoy. You slept until 4:40 in the morning and remembered nothing of your dreams–which was what you wanted. Your tutoring with Mattheo would start at 5 in the morning.

You got up, preparing for the day. As requested, you collected a tray of blueberry pancakes with a small container of syrup. You headed for the east tower, finding it incredibly empty and quiet around the castle.

The room on the highest point of the east tower was a simple, small office that looked as if it been forgotten for years. You weren't sure why a library or a courtyard would do for a comfortable place. But this room felt eerie and uncomfortable.

By 5:05, you found yourself meretriciously aligning the food on the tray to perfect aesthetic, organizing your textbooks, and shinning your crystal ball. After that, you paced around room and then you sat on the floor near the wall. You anxiously waited for Mattheo. Then, you began to feel tired again.

The air was cold. The sound of grasshoppers chirping, frogs croaking and hounds howling rung in your air. Opening your heavy eyelids, you found yourself in a forest with the moonlight hidden over the entangled branches above. As you tried to move, you found that you were being restricted. You looked down to see a large robe around your body. You were tied to a tree trunk with thick robes–how did this happen?

A stick cracked on the ground, alerting your gaze to a eerie figure hidden in the dark forest. As he began to move, a snippet on moonlight beamed on his orange hair.

"Fred," you gasped in relief.

Your jaw tensed while a hand was placed on your head. A gentle reinsurance. He knelt, his amber eyes danced around yours. Slowly, he placed his finger over his lips. Then, his mischievous smirk appeared.

A low growling emerged behind them. Eyes, big yellow eyes quickly met yours. Rows of deadly sharp teeth prodded out and saliva dripping out from the hound's mouth. The dog bowed lowly with his back legs lifted.

You tried to call Fred's name again, but nothing but dry, thin air came out. With slow movements, he had stood up, lifting his hand from your hair. You watched him disappear through the darkness just as he entered, leaving you. Then, the bloodhound pounced at you.

You woke up to a tall brunette closing the door behind him. You straightened your shoulder, jolting yourself up. You distinctly brushed your fingers over your cheek, feeling the moisture of tears. You quickly wiped them away, glancing down at your trembling hands.

You could still feel the tall, itchy grass. The pressure of the ropes against your body. The thick, foggy air that condensed your breaths. That smell. That disgusting wet and muddy smell. The hungry bloodhound. The growling, it's disgust teeth—then, it pounced on you. It's mouth wrapped around your neck, a perfect fit. You could still hear your bones cracking and smell the dog's breath. The tugging and pulling along with more growling, wrestling you without a fight.

"Y/n." He called sharply. "Did you hear what I just said?" He asked.

You lifted your head up, holding your breath. He sat in a chair that was facing you. He looked jaded with his hair tussled. It was obvious he had just gotten out of bed. You noticed his silver ring on his finger, prompting you to hide yours.


He cut you off. "The syrup, which one did you get?" He asked curiously with his attention fixed on the tray of pancakes.

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