Mario tries to Die

Start from the beginning

Y/N kicks Mario into the air and sent flying until he knocked in the Heavy, who was eating his Sandvich. This of course pissed him off when it was ruined and he looked back at Mario with Anger in his eyes.

Mario: My Body is ready!

Mario was ready to have Heavy give it all he can as Heavy takes Sasha out and shoots every single bullet, directly at Mario, but every last one didn't even hit Mario and Sasha exploded after she was out of Ammo.


Heavy has now caught a bad case of the sadz while Mario sees that he was unharmed.


«Montage Time!!»

Mario went on to try multiple methods to try and "unalive" himself as he now believed that his Life Insurance was what keeps him alive. He first tried to ruin SMG3'S Café by scaring away his customers with his nudity and SMG3 tried shoot him with a Waluigi Launcher but ended up blowing his entire shop. Mario was doing okay, though.

Mario tried to stand in the middle of the street while there was a bunch of cars that were running him over until he was smushed to the pavement. Even getting
ran over by a Forklift. Even the Forklift was Forklift Certified.

He kept on going on with many forms of ways that he basically just kept thinking of even more Dumb was to die.

«End of Montage»

Later on that day, The Rest of the Crew has to come together in an effort to try to stop Mario.

SMG4: Okay everyone, we have to try and stop Mario before he actually gets himself killed.

Y/N: He's been going everywhere trying to find ways to purposely die and yet he keeps on avoiding everything, unharmed.

SMG3: He even blew up my Coffee Shop!!

Y/N: Nobody cares.

Meggy: He tried to steal my beanie so I'd throw him off a cliff!

Bob: I jUsT tRiEd to ShOt hIm wItHoUt QuEsTiOn

Tari: But why would Mario want to get killed so badly? Is he super depressed?

Luigi: Apparently, He got something in the mail called Life Insurance and he thinks that it makes him Immortal and can't die.

Everyone was left dumbfounded to the reason why Mario keeps on trying to die

Meggy: That's not how Life Insurance works!

Boopkins: Wait, it's not?

Meggy: No!


Meggy: Life Insurance is Money that gets transferred over to another person when someone else dies. For some reason, Mario must have gotten sent the Paperwork for Life Insurance if he either signed up for it or a Relative has him under theirs. So depending on who's name is under the Agreement, The Money will be given to either Mario or someone else if Mario dies or vice versa.

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