💙 Chapter Fourty💙

611 36 7

Author's pov

The next day in the morning

Taehyung groaned and patted the side of the bed to pull Jungkook closer to himself but frowned realising that side of the bed is empty. He sat up on the bed and realised he was not in their shared bedroom. He sighed loudly remembering yesterday's incidents.

Why did it have to come when all was going on well with us? Taehyung thought and got up from the bed making his way to the bathroom to finish his morning routine.

He lazily finished his morning routine and went to his office to continue his investigations.

He was still going through a few things when the office door opened revealing Jimin.

"Hyung" Jimin called

"Yeah, Jimin what is it?" Taehyung asked his concentration still on the paper.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Jimin asked worriedly

"What's the use of breakfast when I know my baby might have refused to eat since yesterday?" Taehyung said seriously.

"But still if you want or solve this case sooner you have to be energised. You can't be skipping your meals. Imagine if Jungkook finds out he is the reason you are skipping your meals, how will he feel,huh?" Jimin said making Taehyung sigh loudly and rub his head in frustration.

"Jimin, I am not hungry for now. I will eat later okay." Taehyung said and of course he wasn't lying after the meal he had yesterday, he wasn't hungry.

"Okay as you say but you are not skipping lunch" Jimin warned pointing a threatening finger.

"Okay, I understand" Taehyung replied

"Sit and tell me what you found yesterday" Taehyung said to Jimin who was standing since he came into the office.

"I followed but lost him in the crowd at the market. But from my observation, he seems to have someone he takes orders from like a boss?" Jimin reported the findings he had so far.

"Okay, that's good but today please.Make sure to follow him till their potential hideout. From what you are telling me. This person seems to know this kingdom pretty well to be able to hide for almost a year and finally launch his plan." Taehyung said.

"Sure, Hyung,I just want to get over this soon. I don't like seeing you both like this" Jimin said.

"I know Jimin" Taehyung said and ruffled his head making him smile.

They were still sitting there before Namjoon barged into the room.

"Hyung, you scared me" Jimin shouted placing his hands on his chest dramatically.

"Whatever. " Namjoon dismissed off Jimin's statement

"You need to see this, Tae" Namjoon said and handed over the scroll to him.

"I looked for some people that might be involved and looking at the information I have, the people with suspicious behaviours are mostly the ministers of Curreir Kingdom at the time of Jeon Jungwon. The ones Jungkook made to resign because he can't trust them. Do you remember?" Namjoon said

"What?" Taehyung asked din surprised

"Apparently, they have been meeting in secret for some months now. And you know how suspicious it will be for former ministers who were deposed to meet. I believe they are the ones behind it. However, looking at it they were fine till just some months ago and I can't seem to pinpoint what triggered this." Namjoon explained what he thought about the whole situation.

"So in short, they might be behind this but if it is the angels, how come it was one of the demons that reported it. Are the demons and angels working together this time?" Taehyung asked confused at the turn of events.

"You of all people know how easy it is to buy people." Namjoon said.

"Hyung, don't you think they are targeting you both?" Jimin asked making both Taehyung and Namjoon to look at him.

"Why do you think that?" Taehyung asked.

"Simple, you are quite attached to Jungkook. So learning about his betrayal won't only break you mentally, and emotionally but it can make you physically weak. During all this they can attack when you are most vulnerable. And as for Jungkook, they assume you will kill him off yourself." Jimin explained his point

"You are right, Jimin. In order to lure them out of their hiding places I need to pretend I am vulnerable and when they attack we catch them red handed" Taehyung said

"Exactly, I can find out their master for you if you want me too. So that you know who you are gathering evidence against" Jimin said making Taehyung nod in approval.

"Okay, if that is all. Hyung I will go back to my spying job" Jimin said and left leaving Taehyung and Namjoon alone in the office

"Hyung please find any dirty things each of these persons have done, I am sure their not saints. Gather up enough evidence in order for them to be easily executed."

"Sure, and don't stress too much. We got your back" Namjoon said and pat his back encouragingly before leaving the office.

I miss you so much, baby highness. I promise I will kill every single person that worked to frame you. Taehyung thought before sighing loudly. At least his baby is safe.

On the other side with Jungkook.

Jungkook was still sleeping after the eventful night. Too tired to even wake up.

After sometime, the door opened revealing Jin with a tray of food in his hands. He walked to Jungkook's bed and placed the tray carefully on the nightstand.

He sat down on the bed and caressed Jungkook's head softly and sighed seeing Jungkook's dried up tears.

"Wake up Kook" Jin said and continue his caresses

Jungkook squirmed but still didn't wake up.

Poor kid must be tired from crying. None of them deserved this.Jin thought saddened at the thought of both his babies suffering.

"Jungkook wake up" Jin finally raised his voice and Jungkook got up abruptly but when he saw him he flinched back

"I am so sorry, Hyung. It wasn't me." Jungkook said hiding his face knees.

"I know. I trust you Kook" Jin said carefully going near Jungkook so as to not trigger him.

"But Hyungie doesn't. Hyungie hates me." Jungkook chanted his body almost shivering.

"No, Hyungie doesn't hate you. He is just surprised." Jin said and was finally able to pull Jungkook into his arms.

Jungkook broke down in his arms sobbing hysterically muttering Hyungie hates me once in a while.Jin continued consoling him till he stopped crying and sniffed every now and then.

"Go and take a bath and come out and eat. Just trust your Hyungie,okay?" Jin said to Jungkook who had stopped crying by now. Jungkook nodded his head and got up dragging himself to the bathroom.

As soon as he reached the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and stretched himself cracking his bones a bit.

Pretending is so hard. He thought before taking his bath.


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