💙 Chapter Six💙

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Few days later

Yoongi's pov

I was sitting by the lake in the garden of the palace when I heard footsteps approaching. I turned back and saw Hoseok approaching me. He sat beside me quietly for sometime till he spoke up.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Huh?" I asked confused as to what he is talking about.

"I have noticed your gloomy mood since the incident in the kitchen. So wanna talk about it?" He explained gently throwing pebbles in the lake.

"I don't know" I said feeling a lot of emotions at once.

"It's okay, take your time." He replied.

We sat there in silence till I spoke up.

"Do you think I and Jimin can be together?" I asked him turning to look at him. He stopped throwing the pebbles and looked at me.

"What do you mean by that?"He asked softly.

"I mean do you think Tae will accept our relationship?" I asked nervously. But soon glared at Hoseok when he smacked the back of my head.

"Don't tell me that is why you rejected Jimin?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah,kind of" I replied.

"Yah,you pabo Tae literally ships you guys." He said throwing his hands into the air dramatically.

"But what if he has just joking and doesn't actually want us to end up together? What if he thinks I am not good enough for his brother? I am just a normal person and he is the prince of this Kingdom, it just can't work." I said pouring all my insecurities out.

"Yoonie" He called me softly. I look up at him slowly.

"Don't overthink things. If Tae thought you weren't good enough he wouldn't have made you the General of his army. Plus you think Tae cares about status,tsk, he treats us like his family even though we are not royalty. Isn't that enough for you to know he doesn't care about status at all." He added holding my hand and caressing it softly.

"Bu-""Shh" I started but he cut me off by shushing me.

"Do you love Jimin or not?" He asked.

"I do a lot. Hell, I could die for him" I said pouring all the emotions I felt towards Jimin to him.

"Then if you can die for him, why can't you propose him?" He asked

"I am scared." I replied looking down.

"You are scared to propose but not scared to die?" He asked jokingly making me chuckle a bit.

"Follow your heart and propose to him Yoongi, what ever happens I got your back okay?" He said reassuringly giving me a sudden boost of confidence.

"Really?" I asked to be sure.

"Yes,whatever the outcome is I've got your back." He said flashing his sunshine smile.

"Thanks" I said

"Come on what are best friends for?"He said pulling me into a hug.

"Right." I replied patting his back.

We soon pulled back from the hug.He sighed loudly and began.

"You know Yoongi you are so lucky.?" He said.

"Why?" I asked curious as to what he was talking about.

"The one you love,loves you back. Probably, mine doesn't even remember me." He said making me confused.

"You love someone?" I asked

"Yeah, for over a thousand years now." He replied.

"Why won't he/she remember you?" I asked hoping I could help him a bit.

He chuckled bitterly and said" He ran away a long time ago."

"What?Why?" I asked surprised.

"I don't even know why he ran away but he wasn't found anywhere one day in the morning. Like he just vanished into thin air." He said sadly.

I moved closer to him and pat his back softly.

"You know I never even confessed to him. I just joked around about marrying him. So confess to Jimin soon so that you won't regret it like I am doing?" He added

"Hobi, I don't know how to comfort you but I hope he comes back soon so that you can confess to him." I said

"Don't give me false hope Yoongi, it has already been over a thousand years. Unless a miracle he won't come back again." He replied and sighed sadly.

"Don't give up, bro. Maybe a miracle might really happen." I said giving him a side hug.

He wiped his tears and hugged me back from the side and said" Propose Jimin soon so that I can eat your wedding food"

I laughed after the hearing his statement and he followed suit also laughing heartily.

Author's pov

Later that day in the night.

The Kim Taehyung was lying in his bed trashing around and sweating profusely. He kept mumbling some incoherent words. Jungkook who was passing by stopped seeing the door to Taehyung's room slightly open. He opened the door and gasped seeing Taehyung in that state. He rushed towards him and raised his head into his lap.

"No, don't leave me" Taehyung mumbled still trashing around in Jungkook's hold.

"Shh, Hyungie, Jungkookie is here for you." Jungkook said softly caressing his head.

At that moment Jungkook forgot his fear for the male and chose to comfort him.

"Please, don't leave" Taehyung mumbled again. It was clear he was having a nightmare.

"I am not leaving Hyungie. I am here for you." Jungkook said still caressing his head trying to calm him down.

Jungkook continued to whisper sweet nothings into Tae's ear. After sometime he calmed down and fell asleep again.

Jungkook lifted Tae's head off his lap and place in on his pillow gently. He got up from the bed and covered Taehyung with his duvet.

He looked at Tae sadly wondering what made him like this. He had never seen the demon king so vulnerable. He sat there for sometime before going out to his room not before closing the door behind him.

I will ask Hyung tomorrow. I hope he is nice tomorrow. Jungkook thought pouting at the thought of mean Tae.

Jungkook got to his room and laid in his bed. He stared at the ceiling for sometime but soon drifted to sleep.

How was it?

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Take care of yourselves and I love you.💕💕

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