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The rest of lunch is an awkward affair. I can tell Brice is upset. However, I'm not about to put my business on the patio and talk it out here. He's not much of a talker anyway.

I'm thankful when the courses come to an end. All I've done is nibble and push the food around my plate. Everything feels like sandpaper going down. The wine helps though and I have a slight buzz going that takes the edge off from earlier.

Riaan gives us a tour of the estate on golf carts. I'm grateful because the shoes I have on were not made for walking. I do take them off and put in some work when he encourages us to get in the vat and stomp on grapes the old-fashioned way as he explains the process from press to bottle. His chatter fills the void that Brice's silence has created. 

Brice has been quiet and aloof with me. I try not to read too much into it as he hangs back with Hidde and at some point, they disappear leaving the rest of us to enjoy the demonstration. They've probably been through this dozens of times and don't find this stuff half as interesting.

As the sun sets behind the hills, we wash up and head back towards the main house. It looks like people are preparing to head back. The helicopter blades roar to life on the landing pad positioned on the vast lawn – a good distance from the house and the vines.

I spot Brice and walk over to him. He's with Hidde but in a few minutes we'll be alone and I can explain myself. I didn't mean to say no. It kind of just slipped out. When everyone is gone, I can pull Gogo aside and formally introduce them. I have no doubt I'll get an earful from her about lying when I'm back home.

"Get ready to go. You're flying back with the group. Hidde and I will join you all a little later."

I wonder if my face falls as far as my heart. I know he's upset. I can see through the indifference he portrays. All of a sudden, I don't care who's around. I have to fix this.

"I didn't mean it." I take his hand in mine. "I was put on the spot and panicked because I've never had to introduce a boy to my family. Mark was the first but that was different. With everyone else leaving, I was planning to talk to my gran about you - us..." I'm rambling so I stop and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

I've never had a boyfriend. That thing with Obi a few years ago doesn't count. Not to forget how Gogo looked like she was about to blow a fuse when she thought Hidde was my boyfriend and I wanted to spend my holiday with him instead of her and the family. She wasn't completely off base but technically I wasn't officially with Brice then. Our relationship is complicated.

"I see," is all he says.

He slips his hand out of mine and shoves it into his pocket. I understand why he'd be mad after introducing me to his uncle as his girlfriend and even wanting to fight him for putting his hands on me. All I did in turn was deny him. I hate myself for saying no. I hate the ache in my chest even more.

"We'll walk you out," says Brice.

He walks ahead of us leaving me with Hidde whose blue eyes look at me pitifully. I can't stand it and don't have anything left to say, so I follow Brice like a lost puppy. When I see Gogo and Riaan, I put up a façade to say my goodbyes.

"Take care, mtwana wam." Gogo gives me a tight hug. "We'll talk when you get home," she finishes with a wink.

At least she doesn't appear to be upset about this whole thing. I made a mountain out of a molehill and now I'm miserable. I'm one of the last people to board the chopper. My throat feels tight for a different reason as I watch Brice turn around and walk back into the house. He didn't even say goodbye.

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