Love Is In The Air

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“Did you see the way Bryan was concentrating on your face during the class?” Anne whispers as she came to meet me at my locker, giggling happily like she got a gift from someone.

I can't believe I have to deal with another Bryan talk considering that was all Anne could talk about on our way home yesterday. English was our second class today and for whatever reason best known to her, she sat with me for today's class leaving Bryan to sit at her usual seat.

“Since you care so much about me hooking up with him, care to explain why you decided to sit with me today.” I ask with a smirk.

“I told you I saw Smith making out with one of the girls from swimming team, I don't comprehend why the guys in the diving team are obsessed with the swimming team girls” she complains angrily. “I was angry with him, does my crush mean nothing to him?”

“Maybe because you attract your kind, that is why the diving team is obsessed with swimming teams” I answer her, surprised at her unnecessary drama. “Need I remind you, you are in a relationship and I don't think Smith's business should bother you, I don't think your boyfriend will appreciate you crushing on another guy”

“Like he doesn't have a crush on someone or what, and it's just a harmless crush. I was just angry with him” she says like that explains everything before walking to her class.

I grabbed my book and head to my class too, not long after I felt someone slumped into the chair next to me and even without looking up I knew it would be Bryan.

“Guess someone forgot to bring her face mask today” he said casually.

I tried to fight back the smile that was threatening to break on my face as I replied him. “I didn't perceive any love in the air today.”

“My hard work must have paid off then” he says with a smile.

“Your hard work?” This time I focused my full attention on him surprised that I enjoy talking to him.

“I fumigated the air yesterday, realized the mask might prevent me from seeing your beautiful face, so I opt for an alternative” he says seriously.

His seriousness had me laughing out loud in the class, earning me a displeased look from my teacher and I say a prayer to God begging not to blush at his obvious flirting.

“So much consideration from your side, I'm honored.” I whisper to him trying not to gain the attention of my clearly grumpy teacher. “How do I repay this lovely favor of yours”

“You can come to my game night” he said that casually like he is stating the weather update.

I know at that particular moment I should put an end to all these, before it gets serious, but for a reason I don't know, I found myself enjoying the conversation I'm having with him and I really am not ready to let it stop.

“I should attend your game night? Is that like a date date” I ask him, trying to know where this is heading?

“It can be a date date if you want it” he replied breezily.

“Care to share your opinion with the class, Emily and Bryan?” My teacher asks causing the own class to focus on us.

“I don't think the class would like to know what the conversation is all about” he answers flashing his signatory smile at her.

I was surprised to see her blushing, apparently his smile as same effect on both students and teachers. The rest of the class and the next class had me wondering what this is all about, what exactly does Bryan Hart sees in me strong enough to attract him, it is not like I am some weird kid or something, and in all qualifications for beautiful people, with my ombre brown hair, hazel eyes, and 5'6",  I can qualify as a looker.

However, it seems I just suck at making friends with people, I find it difficult to trust someone totally, Anne has been my only friend since eighth grade and has been my human diary. Apart from her, I tend to keep my distance from everyone, and they do just the same to me.

I was sure that Anne would be delighted about this news, and I was certain I was going to update my diary once I got home, I started writing when I was ten, it is much easier for me to write than talking. I was ready to give Anne the full details of my conversation with Bryan, when I saw her approaching me with a frown on her face.

“What is wrong?” I inquired. Worried she got into a fight with someone or something.

“Nothing, just want to be alone for now.” She says as she took off down the hall.

I don't know whether it was a panic attack or something related to that, but I don't know how the entire day passed by, Anne ghosted me during break also, leaving me to eat alone, I never sit alone during break, it was always with her. I could feel all eyes on me like I was an alien with three heads.

Not only that, but I was at the moment of breaking down, trying to recall if I had said anything wrong to her this morning, but I couldn't think of anything. I was still lost in my world when Bryan walked up to me asking if he could join me.

I jolted out of my thoughts and stared at him like he had grown an extra head, “Don't you have your table where you usually sit?” I asked as I looked around and noticed the whole basketball team table was staring at us like we were some sort of joke.

“Just trying to make sure you owe me a lot of favor, that way you would have more reason to come to my game.” he says with his signatory smile. “I don't think you enjoy eating alone, do you?”

I threw him an appreciative smile as I muttered a thank you to him. “I would miss it.” I promised without thinking I wasn't even sure I would be able to make it with the strange way Anne behaved earlier, I was hoping to go to the game on Friday with her, but now the only thing on my mind is to find out what went wrong with Anne.

“Thanks for having lunch with me.” he flashed a smile at me. “If you need a ride home, I would be glad to help.”

“No, I think I am good.” I say as I make mental note of how to find Anne wherever underground she is hiding.

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