The Beginning

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“Emily! Emily!! Emily!!!” My mom shouts across the room, “I really don't think you'd like to delay Mr. James, would you?”

“Oh mum. Don't you think this is too much noise for this apartment?” I giggle.

We stay in a studio apartment at Ameten, despite not being spacious, my mom and I have been able to manage the apartment well, ever since my father left since I was six, my mother has been solely responsible for my wellbeing.

“Too much noise or not, all I am saying is Mr. James won't appreciate you delaying him”, she adds with a frown, obviously not liking the fact that I wasn't taking her serious.

“And by the way, I don't think Edward would mind me delaying a little bit”, I say, still giggling.

Mr. James, my best friend, father has preferred I addressed him by his first name. He has been me and Anne's personal chauffeur since grade nine.

I think my mum look forward to seeing him than I do, if not that he is married, I was sure my mom would have hooked up with him. Despite the betrayal she experienced, I still find it strange she is still eager to experience more love but as the universe will have it, she is perfect at attracting the worst of men.

The honking outside announced the arrival of Edward, and if I should delay a bit, he is going to turn that honking into some sort of musical.

 “Alright mama, I am ready to smash twelfth grade” I say, seeking her approval for my outfit.

“Always ready” she says, her eyes twinkling with love and pride. “Do have a nice day.” she calls after me as I step out of the apartment.

“Hey,” Edward pokes his head out the window as I step into view. “Looking lovely, just like a twelfth grader should look.”

“Hey, Stranger”, I say as I join Anne in the back seat. “I will take that as you saying you think I haven't been looking lovely all these years,” I reply to Edward.

“I wouldn't.” he burst out laughing.

“Looking outrageously hot today” I whisper softly to Anne.

“Had a blast flirting with my dad?” she whispers back with a smile dancing in her eyes. “I am starting to think you have a thing for older men”

“Edward is sure a fine piece of meat, but I do not fancy love or anything that looks like the opposite gender” I laugh out loud, earning us a surprised look from Edward. I can say he is pretty used to us laughing at some inner jokes time to time.

The thirty minutes drive to school was enough for Anne to give me the full gist about the new boyfriend–the Greek godlike man with blue eyes and brown hair she got over the break.

She had nothing besides describing him to me over the break, which prompt her into advising me to get myself a boyfriend too. I can't believe I had to endure another thirty minutes of my life listening to the same story over again.

“How is that your boyfriend again?” she asked like it suddenly occurred to her, I told her I met someone at the café where I was working during the break. “Jeremy or James, is it?”

“He is fine, I guess” I shrug answering the question.

I can't believe I let Anne talk me into having a boyfriend, James is one annoying person I must say, always texting or calling, I never had peace of mind for the three month I was with him. I don't know if that is how boyfriends generally are, or he is just like that, but if that's how all boys are, I know for a fact I am going to ignore that relationship thing for good.

“Girls, we are here.” Edward announced our arrival at the school gate.

I was glad for the little intervention because I can see numerous questions dancing in my best friend eyes, and I am sure she won't back down until she gets all the answers she seeks but at least I could use this little moment of peace.

“Bye, thanks for the ride, Edward” I say as I step out of the car.

“Bye Dad, love you.” Anne waves as her dad's car leave the park. “Spill it.” She turns her face to me, asking for more details about me and James.

“Back to school, God knows how much I missed this place even though I hate it here” I try avoiding her questions hoping it will work.

“I sure hate it here too, but who can resist all these fine faces available to look at freely, and don't think you can escape from my question” she says. “Now, Spill it.”

“I think he is over demanding and overbearing, he calls and texts like no one loves him at home, he nags a lot among all other things” I rush out the words like I was being chased.

She looked at me like she as seen a ghost and whispers something that looks like the issue is with you and not him, I can't be sure of what I heard.

“I think he is not any of those things you just said, and he is just trying to be a good boyfriend by caring for you” she says, finally gracing me with her opinion. “Or maybe you just have a thing for older men, don't you think?” she winks, laughing at her joke as we walk towards our first class.

“Love can be both beautiful and tragic and love is the most powerful thing in the world” Ms Richards, my literature teacher reviewing the novel Romeo and Juliet, said, scanning the class to see who is following her.

“Seems the universe decided to go against me today, can't believe I have to deal with love talks today” I grumble to myself.

“Seems love is in the air today then” my seatmate that I didn't notice until now decided to interfere in my business. I turn to see who was it and was shocked to see the suppose seatmate is Bryan Hart.

Bryan is the most popular guy in school, being the basketball team captain, with his chocolate brown messy hair, green eyes and Olive skin tone, he has become every girl crush including me.

“Well I guess I will have to come to school with a face mask then, thanks for the information” I reply me with a smile while searching the class to see if Anne noticed this little conversation. I saw her smiling at me, and I know I will have to endure another talk about trying to hook up with Bryan on our way back home.

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