A Cabin (Smut)

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Clint's POV

The others leave the jet and I press the button to close the door behind them. Celine has her back turned to me but I can see her shoulders shake as she begins to cry into her hands.

"It's going to get bumpy for takeoff, babe." I inform her and see her take a big breath in and turns to me with a soft but sad smile that makes her red rimmed eyes twinkle. "Right here." I pat the seat beside me and she nods wiping her face and takes a seat putting on the straps over her shoulders.

We take off as soon as she is clipped into her seat. We are quiet for the first few moments.

"I'm sorry." I hear her whisper and I turn to her giving her my best smile.

"I'm sorry too." I say softly and she lets out an unsteady breath and nods again.

I can't feel her emotions yet but I know she is hurting and I want to take it away. I know I can never fulfill her need for all her soulmates but I know I can definitely distract her for a while.

"Celine?" I ask after a moment of silence and set the autopilot on.

I turn to find her already looking at me with a flat smile in thought. Her right hand is curled up against her sternum under the hoodie she wore. Her other hand came up to her tummy suddenly and she gulped and then winced in pain.

"Shit!" I unbuckle out of my seat as her body doubles over. "Celine, look at me honey." I pat her back softly and she looks up slowly and I make quick work of her seat belt and help her to her feet.

"It hurts!" She almost falls to her knees but I'm faster and wrap my arms around her waist to keep her up and lead her to the back left of the jet and pulled the double cushioned mattress down, locked it in place by pushing it down twice then settled Celine on it.

"It's going to be okay." I reassure her and help her lay down.

"Why does my tummy hurt-" She gasps in pain and I wince as another wave of pain hits her and I have to sit on the edge of the bed next to her.

Her hand reaches up and touches my clothed chest. The ringing in my ears begins.

"Clint..." she moans out throwing her head back and arching her back when her hand presses into my chest.

Fire. It's sears with her touch and I swallow hard.

Why couldn't we have waited longer? My breathing is becoming shallow. It's getting harder to breathe.

"Celine?" I ask and her hand smooths up my chest to my neck and then behind it.

She pulls me down as her caramel eyes make mine swim in their golden depths. Her hand pulls me down more and soon our lips touch for a brief moment before I pull back quickly.

"I really don't want this to happen like this." I trail off standing but then she is up following me to stand and I feel another wince in pain when she places a hand on my cheek and her thumb rubs gently causing the pain to go away with her touch.

"I just want to touch you..." She trails off putting her other hand on my cheek.

The pain is almost gone entirely but I can't help but bring my hands to her hips and squeeze there. Her eyes roll to the back into her head and she leans into my chest. Her lips are so close. So perfectly shaped and parted just for me. Her hands guide my face down and I close my eyes.

How can I possibly turn her down? How can I say no to such sweetness?

"This isn't the way-" I say pulling away from her but her hands move up the back of my neck to my hair and my insides began to swim and the pressure I once felt around my chest is gone. The blood rushing down my stomach to my groin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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