Up Next... Dr.Strange! (SMUT)

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Celine's POV

This is happening too fast! I don't think I can handle Steve's little challenge tonight. Maybe tomorrow? But I want to so bad! How am I going to say that I need to sleep on the end of the bed to ten soulmates that have no idea?

How am I going to tell Wanda who reads my mind all the time? I gotta talk to her about that because it isn't right.

And why did Stephen leave without saying anything?

I miss his eyes and the comfort he brings.

What happened?

Tony looks a bit stressed as he eats his third bite of pizza and taking his time chewing the food. He avoided my eyes pretending to be in a very engaged conversation with Pietro about the new flying cars coming out. He would glance every now and then but I'm keeping my cool.

Something is off.

Bucky looks at his food and his phone watching a funny video and showing it to Sam who laughed at it too.

Natasha and Clint were talking about baby names with coy smiles trying to keep in something. Bruce seemed deep in thought as he ate the last piece of his first pizza. I sat in my own chair in between Pietro and Steve who is now looking at me.

"You okay?" His eyes are concerned as he looks me over.

"Just wondering why Tony's eyes avoid me and where the hell Stephen left to without saying anything to me." I whisper to him leaning my forehead against his arm that he wraps around my shoulders.

"I promise you that it will be okay, sweetheart." He kisses my forehead and I felt a warm hand on my left thigh and look down at Pietro's strong hand squeezing and massaging the inside of my left thigh softly.

"I hope so." I sigh letting my hand fall over Pietro's running my thumb over his knuckles as he gave me a reassuring squeeze while continuing his conversation with Tony.

I can't believe Tony didn't hear anything. It's like he was tuning everything out around him to continue his story looking over at Clint then back at Pietro.

Pietro looked genuinely interested though. He is fascinated by cars it seems.

I have to remember that about my soulmate.


Thor's POV

"Strange?" Thor asks with a quirked eyebrow at him as he enters Thor's cabin in New Asgard through a portal.

He looks a little disheveled and confused as his eyes roamed over the cabin quickly then back to me.

"What brings you here?" I ask offering him an ale that he takes quickly and begins gulping it down as if he hadn't had a drink in a fortnight. "Well, that's one way to get drunk off the strongest ale in this world." I say with a grin and Stephen nods handing me the ale glass and wipes his mouth nodding and stumbling back towards the couch landing in a huff.

"Celine isn't telling us something." He said and burped loudly. "Sorry!" He purged again.

"Isn't telling us what?" I ask bringing him another ale.

He takes it but doesn't drink from it as his eyes turn to me. I take a seat next to him and nod for him to continue.

"I can't see her past." He shakes his head and glared at the ale. "It's like she appeared out of nowhere and there is nothing from her past."

"Like she's from a different universe?" I ask and he nods slowly bringing the glass to his lips and takes a big gulp.

"Why isn't she telling us?" He asks softly, like he is speaking to himself.

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