Avengers Pose

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Celine's POV

The sound of cars and people yelling somewhere far off tingled the ears.

"Move it, idiot!" Someone yelled and honked the car horn.

"What the-" I get up slowly and look around the room.

My eyes feel heavy and my brain is foggy.

I turn to the clock and my eyes go wide.

"Fuck! I'm going to be late to the photo shoot!"

I turn to my left where a closet is supposed to be but I walk into a bathroom.

"What the hell?" I turn to my right and the dresser in front of my bed is not the one from my home.

I take a deep breath and look around at all my things and although I do remember some of them, this apartment isn't mine.

I take another deep breath and open the door to my left and find a tall hallway with three lights on each side and marble floors.

Yeah, this definitely isn't my place.

What the hell is going on? Did I hit my head last night and forgot that I moved? Did I-

Chris! The accident! Wait...

I feel around my body but feel no pain. No bruises, no scratches, nothing. I find twelve drops about the size of peas on my left hip bone. Like a tattoo, in different colors.

Not weird at all. Maybe in this life I have tattoos. So what? It's not like their crazy or weird. The twelve drops looked kind of cute. A blue one, a red one, a purple one, a black one, a green one, a light blue one,  a white one, yellow one, a gold one a dark red one, a light green one, and a silver one with no lining right next to each other in a line across my hip.

How cool. And honestly? Random as fuck!

I grab my phone from the nightstand and look for Lucas' number in my favorites.

I find 'Michael (Manager)' and freeze.

Who the hell is Michael?

I press on his name and call him.

"Celine?" He answers after two rings.

"Michael?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" He chuckles. "Don't be late for the photo shoot today!"

His voice sound familiar but it's deeper and less happy. Bored almost but I could sense amusement in his voice.

I might as well play along until I figure out what is actually happening.

"Where is it again?" I ask and hear a grunt before a ping comes and I look down at my phone to see the text.

"There you go, kid."


"Please don't be late!" He says and hangs up.

I have never heard of that street. Fuck okay.

I head out of my room and walk down the hallway after I get in a pencil skirt and pink silk blouse that made my chest look perfect and taught.

Wherever I came to, my body hasn't changed. Go figure.

I head out and my mouth drops at the view. The living room is long with a fluffy brown sectional couch big enough to fit 20 people. The windows behind it are floor to ceiling.

A long white marble breakfast bar showed what looked to be all black appliances behind it in an large kitchen. The door on the side lead to the kitchen. A large white oval table took over the large platform the lead to the kitchen.

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