Simple Enough (smut)

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Tony's POV

"Hello?" I called in the obnoxiously decorated penthouse that was only five blocks away from Celine's place.

"I don't think he is here." Strange said from behind me and I felt myself deflate.

I was so ready to give this guy a piece of my mind.

"Fuck!" I groaned and we stepped back through a new portal to Celine's place.


Clint's POV

"Well, who do we have here?" Bucky smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face.

"Bucky!" Natasha scolded as she approached the tall idiot by the door with a hug bouquet of roses.

He looks at us and takes a deep breath almost dropping the flowers as he noticed Natasha.

"Hello!" She smiles at him and he looks perplexed for a moment and doesn't say anything.

He's so easy it's almost not worth the trouble. He looks like he's going to faint at Natasha's feet.

"I-" He looks at us and back at Natasha. "I-"

"Just spit it out." Bucky smacked the man on the shoulder but I stood still.

The man almost fell over at the impact.

"I just kind of-um..." He clears his throat, a flustered blush covering his stupid face. "I'm here to see a friend." He looks down at the roses.

"Looks like it's more than friendship." Natasha says eyeing the flowers.

Her back is tense, she looks like she holding it in.

"Yeah-" He scratches the back of his neck. "I just can't bring myself to press the buzzer. She-" He winces and looks around and gulps. "She doesn't want me though." He shakes his head and looks down at the flowers in his hands and sighs.

He hands Natasha the flowers and I can see the tear fall down his cheek.

"You take them," he sighs as Natasha takes the bundle. "She won't want them. I don't know why I'm even trying!" He groans and wipes his eyes and begins to walk away.

His shoulders slump as he walks away slowly.

How could I feel bad for this asshole?

Oh, maybe because my soulmate will never be his.

"And here I thought I wanted to punch his face in." Bucky grumbles. "I hate that I don't hate him." He growls pressing the buzzer and opening the door for us.

Natasha looks at me and then at the flowers and grabs the small card attached to a rose.

"Open it." Bucky demands and I take it.

I am sorry about everything. I don't regret trying to kiss you because I have never felt this way about anyone. No one has seen me the way you have. I hope you can forgive me one day. I hope I can see your smile again.

I am so sorry.

With all my love,

"What a sap!" Bucky groaned but Natasha looked on the retreating back of one Reynold.

She looks sorry for him.

Fuck, even I feel sorry for that fool.

"Let's get inside." Bucky says opening the door for us. "I'll take these!" He scoops the flowers from Natasha and smiles as he smells them. "Our love is going to love these!"

Avengers & Soulmates AU (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now