Morning After (SMUT)

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Why SMUT?:
The answer is very simple my dear readers; our Celine has just met them and it's basically a honeymoon phase. And because Celine is a human, she can't possibly have an orgie every night with all twelve. I am trying to be a bit more realistic when it comes to their relationships with her because I do believe that there has to be some physical truth to it. They are in love and love hits hard and fast especially when it's something you can trust from the get go like a soulmate.

It would be hard to not give in to such a trusted love like the one this universe offers.

I know, it's fanfic sci-fi, keep to the fantasy and all that but I find something sexy about actually being able to integrate such a dynamic in real life.


Celine's POV

It was hot, like summer hot but it felt so good. My body felt like it was worked out beyond my limits but I need to get up. I have to use the restroom so badly!

I open my eyes and see Wanda's head over Natasha's who was snuggled in between my breasts and Vision with his head above Wanda's, his arms around her. Thor was sleeping happily with his arm around both of them, they looked so at peace.

The coldness of a metal arm around Natasha and I made me shiver slightly as I began to move lower on the bed. Bucky shifted and Natasha snuggled against his chest as I slowly slipped out of the foot of the bed.

Behind Bucky, Steve slept peacefully on his side with his face facing Clint's back where he slept. Tony was asleep facing up with Pietro's head on his chest. Stephen slept behind Pietro next to Sam who had an arm around Stephen's waist. I walked around the bed and found Bruce in his human form with his arm around Thor.

I can't believe we all fit on the bed. My body heats up at what we did last night. This comatose brain is really just letting it all lose giving me this kind of treatment. It all feels so real. Their connection to me, their love for me. What they did for me last night.

Oh, man! How can I ever choose to wake up from this dream?

I walked out of the room softly and went to the guest bedroom bathroom and then to the kitchen.

I want to make fried chicken and waffles with lots of fruit on the side for them.

I have always loved to cook for people I love. And there's no doubt in my mind, weather I question this reality or not, that right now, I feel love for them and loved by them. If this is my new world, I am more than happy to stay in this coma and never go back.

I pick up my phone from the counter.

"Whoa." My eyes land on clothes scattered everywhere.

My bra ripped in half was hanging from the corner of the large tv mounted in the wall. Another bra in scarlet red caught my attention on the floor. Ripped panties and my ripped jeans were next to the coffee table in the middle of the large room.

Men's boxers and briefs littered around the carpeted floor and shirts draped over the back of the couch, shoes, boots, and sweaters were all over the couch.

I look down at my chest and feel sticky.

"Oh, that's right!" I whisper as my face gets red remembering how I got sticky.

Fuck, I need to shower!

I turn back to my room and find them all still asleep. I tiptoe into the bathroom and shut the door behind me softly. I can't wake them up. Not yet. And my dumbass has no shampoo or conditioner in my guest bathroom.

I turn on the water of the large shower that can easily fit all of us but I can't let my mind drift to that. I have to focus because I want to make them a great breakfast.

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