Memories & New Beginings (SMUT)

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Okay, okay, I'll cool it on the smut...
But only a little! 😏
Ehhh... Nevermind! 😈 Enjoy!

Steve's POV

The moment that we arrive at the new Hydra base, I could feel the danger seep into my bones. There was so much darkness here. So much evil.

"I can feel it too." Wanda says standing next to me as we look over the desert hill to the small opening of the underground base.

We were far enough not to be tracked but enough to be able to see with our own eyes.

The sun was starting to lower but we didn't have much time. Communications were up and we were starting to see large cargo trucks coming in from the west side of the desert.

One in particular caught my eye.

"Those are Chetari weapons." Bruce announces beside Wanda as he squints his Hulk eyes. "I can see the glowing behind the metal casing." He confirms and I swallow.

"When do we make our move?" Thor asks.

"As soon as the sun sets." I reply as Natasha begins taking out a large sniper weapon and sets it on the sand to look through the optic.

"They have more coming and the more come, the less chance we have of making it through this." Natasha warns as Bruce begins taking off his shirt and nods at us.

"We can't just go in there like that." Wanda shakes her head at us and puts a hand on my arm. "Someone on those trucks is very important to them." She squeezes my arm and I nod as I turn to everyone.

"Which truck is it?" I ask and she points to the one that has parked in the front entrance of the base.

"It's a woman and she's very scared." Wanda says softly and I can see memories rush past her gaze.

"Let's get her."


Peter's POV

"Please talk to me." I sigh holding her close in her office but she just snuggles her face into my neck and tightens her arms around me. "What's happened?" I ask softly and she shakes her head.

I have held her body to me since we saw each other on the quinjet.

"I-" She struggles to take a deep breath and leans back to look at me.

Her green eyes hold mine and I can see the devastation in them.

"You can tell me anything." I say leaning my forehead against hers.

"Mark-" She gulps and pulls her arm away to pull her sleeve to find a brand of a feather on her inner left wrist.

A soulmate turns into a brand when a soulmate has passed. I Can feel my heart shatter for her.

"I'm so sorry, Maria." I hug her close to me and she sobs lightly as her arms wrap around my neck again. "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner." I whisper as I rub her slender back.

"I am happy you are here now." She says softly and I nod and lean back and press a kiss to her forehead.

She sighs deeply and relaxes in my arms. I lean back and press another kiss to her cheek. She sighs again but this time her eyes meet mine.

"Peter-" Her hand is on my cheek and take my cue and press my lips to hers softly.

Fire runs through my veins as our lips mold together in perfect sync. My heart hammers wildly in my chest as she adjusts her body to sit on my lap.

It's hot and wild and my hands do deft work of rubbing up and down her back.

I can't take advantage of the moment. I know I must let her grief but if I can take her mind of the pain for a little bit, I will do just that.

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