Chapter 39 - Shadowy Bargains

Start from the beginning

As the guards took Starla away, Ogron watched on with a furrowed brow and low growl, making sure the stranger was out of his sight. Then, he simply pivoted and turned his back on the situation. Walking away, he then heard footsteps and looked up, only to see an aubergine-colored figure gracefully step into view.

Immediately recognising the figure, Ogron let his tough and cruel guard down a little bit.

"Avah. What brings you here?" The old wizard asked with a tone of voice a lot less harsh but considerably stressed and furious.

"I... I heard about the stranger found and I came to wonder, your highness, if it's true." She asked, a little bit of confidence and forlorn hope in her voice. Ogron, acting considerably more hospitable, gave a growling sigh and explained.

"It seems to be true. The star traveler mentioned my son. There may be the chance that she knows where he went, and she may be crucial in locating him." Ogron confessed, and the witch standing before him looked on with a visor shining a little bit. A tiny bit of childlike hope was shown in her being, which while Ogron did seem to put up with, he knew that it was too soon to fully be hopeful of. "But while there seems to be a lead, dear Avah, we cannot be fully sure just yet."

Avah sneered and rolled her visor at that response, but she took Ogron's word for it whilst he continued: "Go to the tower with them, Avah. Keep an eye on our... guest."

"Alright, your highness. As you wish." She mumbled before she followed his request.

The mansion began to hold a very peculiar aura towards the old wizard after the star traveler revealed that she worked with his one and only son. Hoping up until today, that destiny could change like he wanted to from the beginning...

Back on the Blackcrow spaceship, Saros was still at the medical station, as he was still feeling unwell. His senses and self were tainted with an unwell sense... a sense which left him feeling very uncomfortable and insecure. It was obvious that he knew where Starla had taken them in her misguided adventures: right back to his home planet Zudak.

The spaceship was suspended peacefully around the dark planet's high orbit, waiting for the next step in the mission to recover Moon's and Hawk's daughter and bring her back to safety.

One thing, however, did irritate the black captain even more than normal, as the more he was looking at the planet looming ahead, the more the massive holes in logic and reasoning yawned wider: this territory didn't seem like it had any kind of defender stations or any kind of stations to contact for information or updates. The absence of any official activity in this sector made Pitch even more concerned. If that planet was an ancient magical object in this galaxy... how come that no single soul in this corner of Kytarium was interested in protecting it from anything that could pose a threat to its powerful forces? Literally everything or anyone could target it easily if they'd feel like it. At least, that's what it first appeared to be to the bare eye...

At that time, Hawk, who was still sitting beside Pitch, noticed the dark lord start to look distant. Fully lost in his own thoughts, Pitch stood up from his rather comfortable seat and began to wander about, even forgetting about his surroundings. He circled past from his own navigation desk, which made Hawk worry slightly.

"Pitch? Are you alright?" Hawk cared enough to know if he was, but Pitch was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't respond as he inputted some commands into a panel on a different navigation desk.

A hologram of the surrounding galactic sector suddenly flickered into existence when he pressed enter. The hologram showed several star systems, all in relative stability. Pitch toggled some settings and set the scanner going. But his tests came back negative. No pings were received, and Pitch frowned.

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