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Anger and frustration took over her as she watched her dom flirt with someone else. Her fists clenched tightly causing her knuckles to go white as she fought back tears. Her expression showed disgust as she watched the scene play out.

Aubrey, the dom in question, held a sly smirk as he kissed the hand of a woman who wasn't his own. Onika watched silently. She wasn't worried at all about what her friends were saying to her, she was more concerned about how her fist was going to collide with Aubrey's face in a moment.

She stood, feeling the buzz her drink gave her. The alcohol had made her sensitive, weak-minded, and impulsive. Her strides, heavy as it pained her to get closer. She took an abrupt stop. Onika wiped her eyes, erasing any trace of the tears that threatened to fall.

She turned around and advanced toward the exit. The cool air hit her immediately. Her expression turned cold.
Her departure was one she wasn't proud of. She let someone use her and throw her away like the very trash that sat in her rubbish bin. She took her car to the home they shared. One she hadn't grown fawn of since their meeting. She knew it was all too good to be true.

The cheap whips and chains that hung in a corner of their closet. The unnecessary beatings and punishments that failed to make her fully submit. The unlawfulness and no sense of a strong, secure relationship.

All things she disliked about her dom. So, she packed her things. She planned to leave, convinced she wouldn't find what she's been looking for. She's been disappointed long
enough and the idea of the perfect dom was looking like more of a dream than a reality, leaving her to the internet and a vibrator.

A month went by and Onika found herself a place to stay. She had many missed calls, texts, and even emails from Aubrey. Demanding she come back home immediately, a punishment waiting for her if she'd returned. Sooner or later they ceased. Onika burrowed herself in her own company. She was alone with only a few pop ups from her companions that had thriving lives as opposed to her own.

Her phone rang causing her to groan and cover her head with her pillow. She had decided to hibernate for the week with no human interaction. She didn't want to be bothered but her bestfriend had other plans.

Lauren was a sub as well. She was single and trying to find a Dominatrix or Dom that would satisfy her. In her many attempts to bring Onika along to her club appearances she would always be turned down. Each time was either because Onika was in her feelings or in a relationship that she knew wasn't going to work out. But not tonight, she was going to help her bestfriend as if it were the last thing she'd do.

Onika picked up the noisy device and and answered. "Hello?"

"Get your ass up and put on something sexy. We're going out and you can't say no." Lauren stated before hanging up.

Onika looked at the phone with confusion before sitting up in bed. She stretched out the tight knots in her back and yawned while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She felt no need to go out or get dressed. All she wanted was the peace and quiet of her bedroom and for no disappointment to come her way. So, in protest she stayed put. She stayed in bed until her optimistic friend barged into her room with annoyance prominent in her face and attitude. "I'm not going anywhere, Boogie." Onika rolled her eyes and turned on her side.

"You can't give up so quickly, Oni. How about we just go out for one night and if no one peaks your interests then I won't force you to go anywhere else. Will that work for you?" Lauren sat at the end of the bed patiently. Onika sighed, she was tired of wasting her time, but one night out wouldn't hurt would it?

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